Polines Apply Polines-Pay Non-Cash Payment on Campus

Along with the development of increasingly advanced technology, payment transactions also experience changes. Currently, people expect more security, convenience and efficiency in conducting transactions. From this, payment methods developed using non-cash methods. Likewise, the Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines) as an applied higher education institution, continues to be committed to following developments in the application of technology and learning materials to its students.

The Polines Accounting Department follows the technological development of the industrial revolution 4.0 by launching its learning innovation in a tangible form, namely the Fintech Polines Living Laboratory.

Director of Polines, Ir. Supriyadi, MT, when he saw the application of PolinesPay on the Polines campus, Thursday (23/1) said, the Fintech Polines Life Laboratory is a form of implementation of real learning in developing information technology in the banking sector, especially e-commerce.payment named Polines-Pay. "In this laboratory, students are expected to be able to recognize and operate banking activities using information technology," he explained.

Polines-Pay is one of the technology-based electronic payment instruments applied at Polines. This non-cash payment instrument was initiated in 2019 by the Accounting Department, especially the Computerized Accounting study program and the Islamic Banking study program. Polines Pay is one of the innovative digital payment development products that aims to reduce cash transactions on the Polines campus.

Polines – Pay is one form of e-payment used in transactions by utilizing computer networks and the internet. The value of money from customers is stored on the Polines-Pay card and laboratory database.

Polines Pay also has benefits, including providing convenience, speed and practicality in carrying out payment transactions, making it easy for users to prepare cash for payment and change, and easy to apply because it can be used for various small-value mass transactions with high frequency.

Sarana, SE, MSi, a lecturer in the Polines Accounting department who also gave birth to the birth of Polines-Pay, said that currently activities that use e-payment Polines – Pay can be found in various payment transactions in the Accounting department, for example compensation payments, training payments, competency test payments and also food and beverage purchases in the Semarang State Polytechnic Administration canteen (merchants) who have joined BMT Polidana and Mobil Fintech Polines – Pay.

"The implementation of the Fintech Polines Living Laboratory is expected to be able to understand the implementation of the application of financial technology in the campus environment so that it runs parallel to the knowledge that has been learned by students, it is also expected to spur creative ideas or innovations from students to always participate in the development of Polines - Pay in the field of financial information technology. others," he explained.

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