The KOPMA 26th DIES NATALIS event was held to commemorate the anniversary of UKM Kopma BM, Semarang State Polytechnic. This year a series of Dies Natalis includes a National Seminar and a National Essay Competition. The objectives of this series of events are:
- Commemorating the 26th anniversary of Kopma BM.
- Develop the potential and creativity of general students and Polines.
- As a forum for students to channel their aspirations, ideas to be able to develop ideas about the creative economy more broadly through a national essay competition
- Through a national seminar, it motivates students to have an entrepreneurial spirit so that they can start a business with the concept of a creative economy.
This anniversary event was held on SSaturday, January 11, 2020 at the Semarang State Polytechnic Auditorium.
For the essay competition itself with the theme "Optimizing the Role of Millennials in Facing Global Challenges Towards a Golden Indonesia 2045″. There are 3 sub-themes, namely about technology, economy and socio-culture. Registration starts on October 23 – December 2, 2019. And it has produced 342 essay contest applicants from public or private universities in Indonesia.
For this national seminar with the theme "Improve Your Mind ad Creativity To Be Competitive Entrepreneur in Digital Age"And for the participants of this national seminar, 170 participants have participated. This national seminar was filled by 3 speakers.
- Naurobby Hall (owner of duck betutu)
- Anis Saadah (Unnicircle CEO)
- dr. Tirta ( CEO Shoes and care )