Secondary education is a further education from basic education, namely: Basic Cooperation and Achievement Management Training (BCAMT) which is a requirement to become the administrator of the Bahtera Manunggal Student Cooperative UKM. In this secondary education, participants will be given knowledge about cooperative management, public speaking and lobbying, and in-depth trial management which is continued with makrab activities for administrators and prospective administrators. This activity was attended by 61 candidates for management.
The purpose and objective of this activity is to provide education about cooperatives, public speaking and lobbying, and trial management for the prospective management of the Bahtera Manunggal Student Cooperative UKM and increasing intimacy between the prospective management and management of the UKM Kopma Bahtera Manunggal
This activity was carried out for 2 days, namely on Saturday and Sunday, 2 and 3 November 2019 at the UPT Language Room on the first floor and the Sebantengan Guest House Ungaran.
This activity begins with the preparation of the committee and registration for participants. Then the opening, then singing the songs Indonesia Raya and Mars Kopma, then continued with speeches. The next event was material from speaker I about cooperatives, followed by material from speaker II about Public Speaking and Lobbying where each material will be filled with a question and answer session, then Ishoma and continued with Session Management and Session Simulation materials, after the activity was closed with prayer. Next, mobilize to the Villa, then rest, then continue with Maghrib Prayer and dinner. Next show share with the management, followed by pensi and games.
Then, in the morning, the participants did morning exercises, had breakfast and continued with outbound in the area around the villa. After that preparations for mobilization to Polines and at the end of the activity closed with a prayer.