A number of Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines) students raised funds for victims of the flash floods that hit Konawe and North Konawe, Southeast Sulawesi and for the victims of the Earthquake in South Halmahera.
Fundraising is done in several ways, namely, going directly to the streets, open donations through accounts, and through departments.
Fundraising directly to the streets was carried out in the Simpang Lima area of Semarang by taking advantage of the moment car free day. Students consisting of representatives from the Student Executive Board (BEM) Polines, Polines Serving Community, and the Indonesian Polytechnic Student Communication Forum Team (FKMPI) Polines are scattered at a number of points in the Simpang Lima area and its surroundings, such as the Kaya Indonesia Park, the Tri Competition Juang Field. (TLJ),and Hero's Path, not too long ago.
Fundraising done at the moment car Free Day from 07.00 WIB to 09.00 WIB, he managed to get money in the amount of Rp. 2.863.500,-. for flash floods in Konawe and Rp1,275,000,-. for the earthquake in Halmahera.
In addition to going directly to the street, fundraising is also done by opening an open donation through the account 0574023127 (Bank BNI) and Dheatry Khamaratih and raising funds through the department in collaboration with the Department of Student Association (HMJ) located at Polines. The related HMJs are the Accounting Department Student Association (HIMA), the Business Administration Student Association (HMAB), the Civil Engineering Department Student Association (HMS), the Mechanical Engineering Department Student Association (HMM), and the Electrical Engineering Department Student Association (HME).
The total amount of fundraising for Konawe is IDR 5,556,500,-. And Rp. 1.375.000, -. For Halmahera. This donation was channeled through the Indonesian Red Cross in Semarang City and will be channeled to areas affected by the disaster.