The Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti) of the Republic of Indonesia has again announced the 2019 clustering of Indonesian universities in Building D of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Senayan, Jakarta, recently. This clustering was carried out to map Indonesian universities under the auspices of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education in order to improve the quality of higher education as well as become the basis for the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education to provide policies according to the capacity of each university cluster.
“Our goal is to encourage Indonesian universities to be more advanced and enter world class. This encouragement becomes very important. If we have conveyed this, we can do the mapping. The goal is to map the Kemenristekdikti universities on how to make their respective policies in higher education, so that in the future we can create quality universities," said Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Menristekdikti) Mohamad Nasir.
Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines) in the 2019 Indonesian higher education clustering for the vocational category managed to rank 4th with a score of 1,756 entering cluster 2.
Director of the Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines), Supriyadi, said this achievement was an encouragement for continuous improvement in creating and innovating in a sustainable way. "Hopefully it will bring blessings to Polines, the environment, society, nation and state," he said. This result, he continued, is the hard work of all parties.
In 2019, the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education issued the results of the clustering of higher education institutions into two (2) categories, namely the category of Non-Vocational Higher Education (academic education), which consists of Universities, Institutes, and Colleges, and the category of Vocational Higher Education, which consists of Polytechnic and Academy.
As for the category of vocational colleges, the order of clusters begins in cluster 2. This is done by considering the highest achievement/score obtained by vocational universities. So for the vocational tertiary education category with a total of 1,128 tertiary institutions, there are 4 (four) Indonesian tertiary institutions with the composition: Cluster 2 consists of 5 universities; Cluster 3 is 62 universities, Cluster 4 is 545 universities, and Cluster 5 is 516 universities.
The 2019 university ranking focuses on indicators or assessments based on Output – Outcome Base, namely by looking at input performance with a weight of 40 % which includes Input performance (15%) and Process (25%), as well as output performance with a weight of 60% which includes Output Performance (25% ), and Outcome (35%). The new indicators for the assessment are the number of foreign lecturers (input criteria), online learning, completeness of PDDIKTI reports, financial reports (process criteria), the percentage of graduates who get a job within 6 months, the number of citations per lecturer and the number of patents per lecturer (outcome criteria). The addition of these new indicators is an effort so that universities can actively respond to the times, especially the fourth industrial revolution and the need for manpower.
The top five vocational universities with the highest ranking in Indonesia in 2019 are: 1. Surabaya State Electronics Polytechnic (score 2,276 – cluster 2), 2. Bandung State Polytechnic (score 2,037 – cluster 2), 3. Malang State Polytechnic (score 1,867 – cluster 2), 4. Semarang State Polytechnic (score 1.756 – cluster 2) and 5. Payakumbuh State Agricultural Polytechnic (score 1.720 – cluster 2).