As one of the series of 37th Anniversary of the Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines), Polines held a Grand Recitation and Praying Prayer 2019 event, Saturday 27/7/2019 evening at the Tembalang Polines campus. This activity is the second year activity organized by the Rebana State Polytechnic of Semarang (Response) Student Activity Unit (UKM) and is supported by institutions, donors and sponsors. The theme carried is "Unity as the foundation for strengthening the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia".
This was stated by the Chair of the Afriza Committee when giving a speech at the beginning of the event. This activity was filled with sholawat reading by Habib Ali Zainal Abidin Assegaf to the accompaniment of a tambourine by Azzahir (Pekalongan). As the highlight of the event, the tausiyah mauidloh hasanah was filled by Habib Umar Al Muthohar (Semarang). Attending this event were the Director and Deputy Director of Polines, Lecturers, Education Personnel and Polynes Students, as well as the general public.
Director of Polines Ir Supriyadi MT in his speech said that this activity aims to increase faith and piety to Allah SWT, to grow a sense of love for the Prophet Muhammad, and to foster a sense of love for the Indonesian homeland which respects differences in the frame of togetherness and unity. Also to be grateful for the blessings that Allah has given to the big family of Polines, one of which is the blessing that Polines will inaugurate the first Professor on July 30, 2019. Supriyadi hopes that this prayer activity will add pleasure to the Polynes academic community, increase motivation and enthusiasm in realizing Polines' ideals to become an institution that integrates technological and business innovations that make a real contribution to the intellectual life of the nation, advances general welfare and national competitiveness. "Hopefully Polines will increasingly feel its contribution in producing the nation's next generation who is able to answer challenges in creating, innovating, adapting and responding and inspiring solutions to the nation's problems," concluded Supriyadi.

Habib Umar Al Muthohar in tausiyah mauidloh hasanah explained that praying is nothing but the same as dhikr. Dhikr means remembering Allah swt. "God said, Udzkuruunii adzkurkum. Remember me, then I will remember you," said Habib Umar quoting QS Al Baqarah verse 152. "Remembering Allah to us is in the form of sending more of His mercy, His blessings and His pleasure to us, so that with all of that our affairs can all be sorted out," added Habib Umar.
Habib Umar also reminded students not to underestimate the meaning of prayer. It is intended that students who have the noble task of gaining knowledge, are always facilitated by Allah. "In order for prayer to be easily accepted by Allah, the key is in worship that should not be interrupted. The instructions of the Qur'an in the letter Al Fatihah, Iyyaaka na'budu wa iyyaaka nastaiin. You alone do we worship and you alone do we ask for help. This is a sign that humans must worship (worship God) first, then ask for Allah's help," Habib Umar explained. "If you can't practice sunnah worship, at least don't leave the obligatory worship. Gratitude if after doing the obligatory, plus doing the sunnah."
After praying needs to be followed by good behavior, good mindset, and good speech. Because Allah loves good people. "If his behavior is bad, his food and drink are haram, his clothes are also bought from haram money, how can his prayer be answered by Allah?" Thus Habib Umar gave a rhetorical question. At the end of the tausiyah, Habib Umar advised the students to follow the example of the kyai and ulama who were successful when they were studying. That is, they never leave the tahajjud prayer. [MAN]