Frame Art Training at the Tembalang Ar-Rodiyah Orphanage

The Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines) Community Service Program Team (PKM) conducted an Art Training for Making Frames from Plastic Packaging Waste (PITIK) and Marketing Training at the Ar-Rodiyah Tembalang Orphanage, Semarang. – The Polines Student Creativity Program team collaborated with the Ar-Rodiyah Tembalang Orphanage, Semarang in making plastic frames as an effort to utilize plastic waste around.

The PKM team is chaired by Diana Sani, which consists of 3 people, namely Linda Widya Pratiwi, Budi Santoso, and Ahmad Syaifudin and is supervised by the supervisor Ilham Sayekti ST, M.Kom. The idea for this Community Service PKM originated from a problem faced by the Ar-Rodiyah Tembalang Orphanage, Semarang, namely the lack of skills activities for children other than those taught in formal schools, especially skills in processing plastic waste. Therefore, orphanage children need education about creativity and productivity training in an effort to increase competitiveness in the era of globalization.

The first training was held on May 3, 2019. In this training, orphanage children were guided to make frames from plastic packaging waste. The second training was held on May 16, 2019. In this second training, orphanage children were taught how to create social media, namely Instagram and line. Assistance in the production process was carried out on May 24, 2019. Furthermore, marketing assistance was carried out on June 15, 2019. "Through this training activity, it is hoped that the children of the Ar-Rodiyah Orphanage can have the skills to process plastic packaging waste into more useful goods". said Mr. Suhari, as the leader of the Ar-Rodiyah Orphanage.

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