The community service student creativity program team (PKM – M) Semarang State Polytechnic, in collaboration with the Semarang City Muhammadiyah Orphanage, provides education to their students about waste and its management using technology virtual reality. Virtual Reality (VR) is a powerful and attractive technology that aims to emulate the real world with a computer-generated environment.
Technology Virtual reality used to provide education in the form of games to early childhood orphanages about waste and its management. Through the game virtual reality In this way, students experience a sense of phenomenological presence or involvement in the environment.
The team consisted of Mochamad Rizal Amrullah (D3 - Mechanical Engineering), Mohammad Susilo (D3 - Informatics Engineering), Nisrina Qurrotu Aini (D3 - Accounting), Ainur Rofik (D3 - Electrical Engineering and Rizka Pangesti Rahayu (D4 - Financial Analysis), and supervisor Dr. Ir. Suharto, M.Pd. Said the head of the PKM-M team, Mochamad Rizal Amrullah “This is a step to save the earth in the future by providing education about waste and its management from an early age to children with fun media, namely virtual reality in order to boost children's learning enthusiasm” at the closing of the training activity at the Muhammadiyah Orphanage in Semarang City, Sunday (16/6).
The head of the Semarang City Muhammadiyah Orphanage, Wartono, appreciated the Polines student activities. According to him, teaching activities about waste are needed considering the increasing amount of waste which is increasing year by year and is a cause for concern. "This is a good first step to reduce the use of plastic waste in the future by giving it to children". he said. The orphanage manager is very grateful for the implementation of this PKM-M. The assistance of 4 VR Boxes and their educational applications are very useful for raising awareness from an early age about waste and its management.
While the PKM-M supervisor, Dr.Ir.Suharto,M.Pd. admits that he is proud of his students who have creative ideas. According to him, students need to be encouraged to have a competitive, solutive, and independent spirit. Have academic and professional abilities to apply, develop and disseminate science, technology, art that is beneficial to the nation and state.