Polines Holds PT Unggul Fostering Program for 10 PTS

In order to improve the quality of higher education services to foster a quality culture through the implementation of an internal quality assurance system, the Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines) is again trusted by the Directorate of Quality Assurance of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education as the organizer of the Superior Higher Education Parenting Program (PT) to foster study programs that are still accredited C.

A total of 10 (ten) upbringing universities were selected by Polines in this program. Namely: Polytechnic Trisila Dharma Tegal, Polytechnic Purbaya Tegal, Polytechnic Pratama Purwokerto, Polytechnic Dharma Patria Kebumen, Polytechnic of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Mapena Tuban, Academy of Tourism Buana Wisata Yogyakarta, Academy, Radiodiagnostic Engineering and Radio Therapy (ATRO) Citra Bangsa Yogyakarta, Academy of Administrative Management YPK Yogyakarta, the Academy of Information and Computer Management of the Probolinggo Youth, and the Arga Husada Health Academy of Kediri.

The workshop event started with the signing of the MOU and MOA between the Semarang State Polytechnic and the fostering universities.

Deputy Director for Academic Affairs Polines, Ir. Endro Wasito, MKom when giving a speech at the opening ceremony of this event said that the choice of the PT had gone through an assessment that the university had the potential to be able to improve its quality after going through the nurturing process. “Polines experience can be benchmarks to be implemented in PT. Upbringing," said Endro Wasito, when met on the sidelines of a workshop that took place at Neo Awana Hotel, Yogyakarta, Friday (28/6). However, it is possible for Polines to also learn from the experiences of PT upbringing in the management of PT. So, he continued, the PT Foster program became a medium for mutual learning, sharing and synergy to strengthen each other's potential.

The purpose of PT Asuhan's activities, he explained, is to improve understanding of the implementation of the Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI) at PT Asuhan. Second, to guide the technical preparation of the required quality documents in accordance with the National Higher Education Standards (minimum standards) and Higher Education Standards set by each university (development standards) towards the accreditation of superior study programs and institutions.

Ir. M. Muqorrobin, M.Eng, always the Head of the Organizing Committee, said 2019 was the third year for Polines to gain the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education's trust in the PT Unggul Fostering Program. "This year, ten universities participated," he explained. The program activities for foster care are carried out in the form of workshops, internships and monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the quality assurance system at foster care institutions," concluded Robin.

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