Polines Accounting Lecturer Wins Best Article 3 SNAV 8 Palembang

Recently, the 8th National Accounting Symposium (SNAV) and the 3rd Vocational Accounting Olympiad (OAV) were held at the Sriwijaya State Polytechnic (Polishri) Palembang, South Sumatra. The theme this time was “Professional Accountant Strategy to Face Accounting Disruption in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0. This symposium was very special because it was attended by Mesristek Dikti Prof. H. Mohamad Nasir, Ak, Ph.D as Keynote Speech.

The 2nd keynote speech was Syailendra Ogan, a finance director of PT Wijaya Karya Gedung TBK. The material is in accordance with the theme of industrial technology 4.0, namely the Vocational Forum discussion with the theme "Formulation of the RI 4.0 Inclusion Framework and MEME in the Vocational Accounting curriculum.

As a participant, a speaker from the Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines) is Nikmatuniayah, SE. MSi.Akt. , Mohamad Hasanuddin, SE. MSi. Akt, and Jati Handayani, SE. MSI. Meanwhile, the participants of the accounting olympiad are as follows: Aprilia Annisa Putri (AK 2 A), Audia Nur Safitri (AM 1 A), and Mar'atus Sholihah (AM 2 B).

Nikmatuniayah, an accounting lecturer at Polines, won 3rd place in Best Article, SNAV 8. "Alhamdulillah, we thank Allah SWT," said Nikmatuniayah. The article is entitled “Islamic Work Ethics for Accounting Section Employees in Organizational Change (Case Study of Central Java Amil Zakat Institutions).

This study aims to prove the influence of Islamic work ethics in terms of the dimensions of cognitive abilities, affective components, and behavioral components. The results showed that Islamic work ethics in the accounting department of employees viewed from the cognitive, affective, and behavioral components had a positive effect on accounting change.