Polines Holds Joint/Double Degree International Seminar

Tuesday, 30 April 2019 Semarang State Polytechnic successfully held an International Seminar themed Joint/Double Degree Program between Indonesian and Taiwan Higher Educations. Located in the Seminar Room of the Polines Magister Building, this seminar was attended by several representatives from other Polytechnics throughout Indonesia as well as the Head of the Department and Head of the Department. Study Program in Polines environment.

The seminar was opened by the director of the Semarang State Polytechnic, Ir. Supriyadi, MT, who in his speech conveyed the importance of international mobility for increasing the value of institutional accreditation. The seminar was followed by a presentation from the first speaker, Mr. Adhrial Refaddin, who is the Head of the Foreign Cooperation Section, Directorate of Higher Education Institutional Development, Kemenristekdikti. In his presentation, Mr. Adhrial conveyed the licensing procedures and program implementation regulations joint/double degree as well as the types of international cooperation recognized by Research, Technology and Higher Education. The next presentation was delivered by Prof. Tseng Shi-Chang who is the Chief Office of International Affairs from the National Yunlin University of Science and Technology (Yuntech). Prof. Tseng conveyed several types of international cooperation that could be implemented between universities in Indonesia and universities in Taiwan, especially with Yuntech.

Next in session focus group discussion moderated by Dr. Ir. Muhammad Mukhlisin, MT as the Head of the Polines International Affairs Unit, the participants and speakers discussed the design of further collaboration that could be held between institutions attending the seminar. It is hoped that the activity plan can be implemented soon to improve international mobility from each institution.

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