In order to meet the needs of skilled workers in the field of Design and Tool Making Engineering, Politenik Negeri Semarang (Polines) and PT Mekar Armada Jaya (MAJ) agreed to open a collaboration class. This complements student competencies in fields related to the manufacturing industry.
Director of Polines, Ir. Supriyadi, MT in his office, Thursday (21/3) explained that the PT MAJ collaboration class was opened for the 2019/2020 academic year. "Open for D3 Mechanical Engineering," he said. The study program held in this collaboration path is D3 – Mechanical Engineering (Concentration) Design and Tool Making Engineering). Regarding human resources, he continued, the New Armada needed quality human resources in terms of: attitude, expertise and health. He hopes that the opening of this collaboration class will answer the needs of human resources, especially in New Armada companies in the future.
He explained that the entry requirements for this pathway include SMA/SMK/MA graduates in 2018 or those who will graduate in 2019. From the original study program as follows: IPA/MIPA/MIA, Machining Engineering, Welding Engineering, Metal Fabrication Engineering, Engineering Metal Casting, Mechanical Drawing Engineering and Automotive Body Repair Engineering. This selection pattern was carried out through several stages of tests, from the Academic Test, Competency Test & Interview (UKW), and Medical Check Up (MCU).
"During college, there are scholarships for students," explained Supriyadi. PT Mekar Armada Jaya will provide single tuition assistance (UKT) and scholarships to the 20 best qualified students. Meanwhile, education is conducted in 2 places, namely the Polines campus and at PT Mekar Armada Jaya. Interestingly, the 20 best graduates will be appointed as permanent employees of PT Mekar Armada Jaya.
For those who are interested, online registration is open until April 11, 2019 via the page: