Kemenristekdikti Holds Cascading Training 2019 at Polines

In order to improve the quality of vocational higher education learning, the Directorate of Learning, Directorate General of Belmawa, Kemenristekdikti implements a technical guidance program for learning development. This is a continuation of the implementation of the cooperation between the Government of Indonesia and the Government of Singapore in the field of higher education, especially with Singapore Polytechnic.

By holding a Cascading Digital Economy Skills Training Program which was held at several Polytechnic campuses, one of which was at the Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines) campus, (11-13/3).

The opening ceremony was attended by Amsar, SH, MM, Secretary of LLdikti Region VI, Ir. Supriyadi, MT, Director of Polines as the host, Hendra Suryanto (Head of Curriculum for Vocational and Professional Education, Directorate General of Belmawa, Kemristekdikti) and related invitees. The event was attended by 75 participants from various vocational campuses in Central Java.

The activity was officially opened by Amsar, SH, MM, Secretary of LLdikti Region VI in the Multipurpose Room, Polines campus, Tembalang, (11/3). In his speech he said that we are currently entering the 4.0 revolution. So as a vocational higher education institution, it is necessary to prepare competent lecturers to keep up with developments in this global era. "So that the competence of vocational education graduates is in line with industry needs," he said.  

Director of Polines, Ir. Supriyadi, MT expressed his gratitude for the trust from the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education in appointing Polines as the venue for the event. "Hopefully this training can be useful to increase academic relevance through curriculum development in the field of information technology," he explained.

Meanwhile, Hendra Suryanto (Kasi for Vocational and Professional Education Curriculum, Directorate General of Belmawa, Kemristekdikti) explained that the purpose of this activity was to increase the capacity of lecturers in designing digital economy-based curriculum. "And apply it in learning for students," he explained. In addition to carrying out cascading training for lecturers in the field of information technology. In addition, he continued, increasing the abilities and capacities of related participants digital literacy in the field web development and cyber security. And he hopes that after this activity the lecturers can spread their competence. "In developing web and network security for human resources who are ready to support the development of the digital economy in Indonesia," he concluded.

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