Starting from the waste problem in Ngringo Village, Jaten District, Kab. Karanganyar which makes the environment unhealthy, smells and slums, it needs concrete handling to overcome this by the related parties. Considering Ngringo Village is a densely populated area.
So it is necessary to take appropriate steps in handling this waste. So as not to cause social and health impacts for the local community.
In view of this, the Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines) with the facilitation of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education felt compelled to participate in solving problems in the community.
This was marked by the inauguration of the Kridha Kusuma Asri Mandiri Park by the Regent of Karanganyar, Juliyatmono at Perumnas Ngringo RW 17, Jalan Salak 3, Ngringo Village, Jaten District, Karanganyar Regency, Thursday (24/1). Also attending the inauguration was the Director of the Semarang State Polytechnic, Ir. Supriyadi, MT, member of Commission 10 DPR RI, Hj. Laila Istiana DS., SE, related officials and the local community.
“I invite all residents of Ngringo Village to be able to manage this waste recycling place properly. This includes the park near the recycling center to educate children not to litter,” said the Regent of Karanganyar, Juliyatmono. He also said that this year Ngringo Village would be finished with the slum environmental problems and become a clean environment. "So that the existing public space can be immediately facilitated," he hoped.
Ir. Supriyadi, MT as the Director of Polines, expressed his gratitude to the residents of Ngringo Village for working together to manage waste and household waste in their environment. "In this case, Polines actually provides assistance to the residents of Ngringo Village," he explained. So he hopes that in the future the community will be able to carry out the Appropriate Technology program for Independent Waste Recycling. The program implemented in Ngringo Village is an integrated processing of waste, organic waste and plastic waste that is used for fertilizer for medicinal plants, fattening catfish, bio gas for cooking. "While plastic waste is for building materials," he explained.
“The task of higher education is the Tri Dharma, namely education, research, and community service. And this is a form of Polines' dedication to the community." Polines hopes that what has been done is sustainable. "There is a symbiosis of mutualism or it can benefit both parties and benefit the community," he concluded.