Semarang. In order to commemorate the birthday which falls on January 11, the Student Cooperative UKM (Kopma) Bahtera Manunggal Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines) held its 25th Anniversary on Saturday, January 12, 2019 with the theme "Togetherness in Harmony and Diversity". This activity is held as the culmination of a series of three events which include National Essay Competition, selection of Ambassadors for the Bahtera Manunggal Student Cooperative and the Kopma Family Gathering.
The Anniversary began at 08.00 WIB and was opened symbolically by Adhy Purnomo, ST., MT as Deputy Director III for Student Affairs by beating the gong. This event was held in 2 places, namely the Auditorium room as the center of activities and Room 101 of the First School Building as a place for presentations. Before the Dies Natalis was held, there was the first series of events, namely National Essay Competition registration was opened on 15 October 2018 for general students throughout Indonesia with the theme "Optimizing Human Resources in Facing the Industrial Era 4.0". This competition was attended by 241 participants throughout Indonesia with details of 88 participants in the individual category and 153 participants in the group category, then 10 finalists were selected to present their essays at the Semarang State Polytechnic campus. The ten finalists who passed are:
- Putri Saadatul Abadiyah-Group (STATE UNIVERSITY SEMARANG)
- Imam Arifin-Group (Eleven MARCH UNIVERSITY)
- Nefa Wahyuning Anggraini-Group (BRAWIJAYA UNIVERSITY)
- Maria Dita Pitharaksita-Group (DIPONONEGORO UNIVERSITY)
- Sinta Novia-Individual (STATE UNIVERSITY SEMARANG)
- Yodi Agus Pratama-Group (STATE UNIVERSITY OF PADANG)
- The Wisdom of Tullah-Group (MATARAM UNIVERSITY)
- Moch Faizal Rachmadi-Group (STATE UNIVERSITY SEMARANG)
The presentation was held in room 101 after the participants attended the opening of the Anniversary. The finalists explained the material about the essay manuscripts that had been sent. The jury for this essay competition are Achmad Zaenuddin, SE., M.Si, Dr. Jumi, S.Kom., M.Kom and Iwan Budiyono, SE., M.Sc., Akt.
During the competition, a second series of events was also held, namely the selection of Student Cooperative Ambassadors with a panel of judges, namely Putri Sekarya Puspita A as the finalists for the 2018 environmental ambassadors and Tommy Prayitno, ST., MM. from the Department of Cooperatives and SMEs of Semarang City. The selection stage for Student Cooperative Ambassadors began on December 8, 2018 until 10 finalists were selected. The selection of ambassadors opens with fashion show The 10 finalists were followed up by showcasing their talents and asking questions about cooperatives at the peak of the Dies Natalis celebration.
The next event is the announcement of the winner of the most shopping at the Kopma Store, the announcement of the Student Cooperative Ambassador and announcements National Essay Competition. The announcement of the 3 winners for the most purchases, namely Teguh Aji Wibowo with a total expenditure of Rp. 1,515,000, Fathoni Kurnia Ramadhani of Rp. 966,000 and Maria Azka SW of Rp. 756,400. The second announcement was the determination of the Student Cooperative Ambassadors, there were 2 categories, namely the favorite champions drawn from like the most on Instagram, and the winners of the student cooperative ambassadors were judged by the jury and the participants who were present to witness. The favorite winners are Titi Riyanti from the Accounting department and the Student Cooperative Ambassador winners are M. Nur Cahyanto and Riski Amalia from the Accounting department. After that, the sash was affixed to the ambassadorial champions and rotating trophies were given. The long-awaited announcement is the championship National Essay Competition 2019. 3rd place was won by Imam Arifin in the group category from Universitas Sebelas Maret with members Triyana Suryaning P. 2nd place was won by Nefa Wahyuning Anggraini in the group category from Universitas Brawijaya with members Dania Nur Shabrina. 1st place was won by Putri Saadatul Abadiyah in the group category from Semarang State University with members Budi Wijaya and Ulul Albab.
The series of Dies Natalis events continued into the evening by holding a Kopma Family Gathering. The event opened with the cutting of the cone by general manager 2018-2019 which is then handed over to the builder. Next event is talk show who invited 3 KOPM alumni speakers, namely Dwi Sudiyanto A.Md., ST as the general manager 2014-2015 , Tri Puji Hidayat, S.Tr as general manager 2015-2016 and Meda Deni Kristanto, S.Tr as general manager 2016-2017. The Kopma Family Gathering was attended by Kopma coaches, namely Mr. Achmad Zaenuddin, SE., M.Si, administrators, prospective administrators and demisionary alumni. The conclusion of this talk show is that when running an organization, don't always look down. Focus on the goal even though there are various kinds of obstacles that must be passed as a foothold to achieve success in the future. The event closed with entertainment and group photos.