Polines Wins 2 Titles of 2018 Kemenristekdikti Public Relations Award

Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines) won 2 (two) degrees at the Public Relations Award for State Universities (PTN) and Higher Education Service Institutions (LLDikti), as well as Management of Public Service Complaints (Lapor!) Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education ( Kemenristekdikti) in 2018 which took place at the Diponegoro University campus, Semarang (Thursday, 3/1).

 The titles won by Polines are Best 3 in the Category of Information Services Through the Internet (Website) and 1st Place in Media Relations.

Director of Polines, Ir. Supriyadi, MT admitted that he was proud of this achievement. “I hope that public relations will be of better quality. The acceptance of this award is also expected to encourage the Polines public relations field to work more creatively," he said.

The event, which was organized by the Bureau of Cooperation and Public Communication (KSKP) of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, involved an independent and competent jury, namely the Presidential Special Staff for Communications at the Adita Irawati Institute, Digital Strategic Nukman Luthfie, and Member of the Public Relations Association and Founder of Nagaru Communication Dian Agustine Nuriman.

This event, which was held at Diponegoro University (Undip), was the second time it had been held. Aspects assessed in the Public Relations Award include the quality of information services via the internet (website), social media, and media relations. Meanwhile, in the Report Management Award, the aspects assessed are the quantity of complaints, settlements, and the average follow-up.

In line with the principles of good governance, the government's public relations function is vital. Government policies must be communicated, quickly, accurately, and in a way that is acceptable to the public. For this reason, government public relations must be able to build close relationships with stakeholders.

“I hope that public relations between PTN and LLDikti will be of higher quality. This award is also expected to encourage public relations personnel of PTN and LLDikti to work more creatively. It is hoped that the selected PTN and LLDikti can motivate other PR to take part even better. For those who have not succeeded, don't be sad, continue to take part and give the best performance," said the Head of the KSP Bureau of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Nada Marsudi.

Public Relations of PTN and LLDikti must disseminate ministry programs and absorb people's aspirations, as well as a reference for determining the direction of institutional policies. In line with this role, public relations are required to carry out the main functions of public relations, such as planning, compiling, and distributing information through mass media, new media, and exhibitions. Together with public relations, the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education is advancing.

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