Director of Polines Inaugurates 5 (five) Structural Officers

Director of Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines), Ir. Supriyadi, MT inaugurated and took the oath of office for 5 (five) structural officials at the Multipurpose Room, Polines campus, Tembalang, Monday (31/12). The inauguration ceremony was attended by the leadership of departments, divisions, centers, units as well as Dharma Wanita Polines administrators.

The inaugurated official was Sri Yati, SE, M.Si (Head of Academic Administration, Student Affairs, Planning and Cooperation -BAPKK) replacing Trinoto Widodo, SE, MM (retired). Aris Nuryono, S.Kom, was appointed as Head of Sub-Division of Planning (Position Promotion). Eko Setyawan, S.Kom, appointed as Head of Sub-Division of Personnel replacing Noor Kuntono, SH (rotation of position), Budi Riyanto, SE, MM appointed as Head of Sub-Division of Administration replacing Eko Setyawan, S.Kom (rotation of position), Noor Kuntono , SH was appointed as Head of Cooperation Sub Division replacing Budi Riyanto, SE, MM (position rotation).

"Congratulations to the new officials who have just been appointed, hopefully they can carry out their mandate properly and responsibly and provide benefits for Polines and the wider community," said the Director of Polines. As a newly inaugurated official, please be able to quickly adapt to the new task. "The programs from the old officials, please, can be continued," he ordered. The challenges ahead in the management of higher education are getting tougher. For this reason, he hopes that new officials can continue to innovate in responding to the times in the management of institutions.