Another proud achievement achieved by Semarang State Polytechnic students

Another proud achievement was achieved by Semarang State Polytechnic students (Polines). The Creativestation team consisting of Irfan Ardian, Diah Indah Savitri, Yoga Bramanditya, students of the Polines Informatics engineering study program with Syahid, ST, M.Eng. as a companion lecturer, won first place in the Internet of Things (IoT) category at the 2018 National Polytechnic Informatics Student Competition (KMIPN), which took place at the Postgraduate Building Auditorium, Surabaya State Electronics Polytechnic (PENS), last weekend.

The event with the theme "ICT Challenges in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 Era" lasted for 3 (three) days and was attended by 94 teams from 16 polytechnics in Indonesia.

This activity, organized by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti), is the first year in its implementation. Even so, the very good enthusiasm of the students was shown by the large number of participants who took part in the competition. The activity was opened by Ir. Anang Budikarso, MT, as the Deputy Director of Student Affairs for EEPIS. He explained, this time there were eight categories for KMIPN, including Innovation Creation, ICT Business, Animation Design, Game Development, Internet of Things (IoT), Hackathon, E-Government, and Network Security.

Deputy Director for Student Affairs at Polines, Adhy Purnomo, ST, MT, admitted that he was proud of the achievements made by this student. "This achievement is very proud," he said. Moreover, the field of informatics is one of the fields that is also being intensively developed in the face of the industrial revolution 4.0.

The chairman of the jury, Bambang Wisnuadi, MT, revealed that in the 2018 KMIPN the jury came from academics, namely 6 polytechnics that matched the competition field being assessed. In addition, the jury also came from professional or industrial circles. The jury did not judge participants from their home universities, so it can be said that the scoring system in this competition is objective and accurate. "We feel happy and grateful because the works of students at KMIPN are quite extraordinary," he said

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