Hi-Link Polines Team Socializing Porang Cultivation Processing and Utilization

The Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines) Hi-Link Team for Fiscal Year 2018 chaired by Dr. Ir. Suharto, M.Pd. with members Ir. Kristinah Haryani, MT (Undip), Drs. Suryanto, M.Pd., Sarana, SE, M.Sc., Teguh Budi Santosa, SE, MM, conducted a socialization activity on the cultivation, processing, and utilization of porang on the Ground Floor of the Artos Magelang Supermarket to the people of Magelang and surrounding areas, recently .

The Hi-Link program is designed to support the application of technology produced by Higher Education (Polines) to partner industries which are synergized with support from the local government (Magelang City Government) or regional work units (SKPD). The purpose of this activity is to increase the ability in implementing technology transfer for universities, communication and cooperation between universities, industry and local governments in industrial development in order to strengthen competitiveness. In particular, this program aims to develop a model of cooperation between universities, industry and local governments in the application of technology required by industry and society, and derived from research and development results.

Porang (Amorphophallus oncophyllus) including tuber plants of the Araceae family which contain quite high glucomannan (15-64% dry basis). Porang tubers have been used as raw materials for food and non-food since 1000 years ago in Japan and China. The high content of glucomannan in porang tubers makes this plant much sought after, especially in the food and health industries. Glucomannan is a food ingredient with water soluble fiber content and its characteristic hydrocolloid properties. Utilization of porang tubers into flour is one option to facilitate storage and further processing. The benefits of porang flour can be used as an ingredient for making Japanese noodles (shirataki), Japanese tofu (konyaku), jelly, flavoring agents for seasonings, edible films, capsule wrappers, meat makers for vegetarians, paper reinforcement, glue maker, tablet adhesive.

The head of the activity, Suharto said that the Hi-Link program in Magelang could be an opportunity to develop a model of cooperation between universities, industry and the local government in implementing technology activities needed by industry and the community, and derived from the results of research and development on cultivation, processing of porang with potential for export.

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