Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines) which since 1982 has been organizing a vocational learning process under the name Diponegoro University Polytechnic, has so far graduated more than thirty thousand alumni. Starting from the desire to continue to strengthen the synergy between alumni, the industrial world and Polytechnic alma maters throughout Indonesia, the Polines Alumni Association launched the portal.
This was conveyed by the General Chairperson of the Polynes Alumni Association (IKA Polines) Adhy Purnomo ST MT at the launch which was held in conjunction with a national workshop at Hotel Dafam Teraskita Jakarta, Thursday-Friday 18-19 October 2018. The workshop took the topic of Strengthening Industrial Synergy and Polytechnics throughout Indonesia in facing the Opportunities and Challenges of the Industrial Era 4.0. Present at this event were representatives of Polynes alumni from various generations, representatives of other Polytechnics, industry practitioners, Polines leadership ranks, students and the general public. Other Polytechnic representatives attending included Malang State Polytechnic, Banjarmasin State Polytechnic, Indonesian Maritime Polytechnic, Pontianak State Polytechnic, Harapan Bersama Tegal Polytechnic, APP Jakarta Polytechnic, Akamigas Cepu Energy and Mineral Polytechnic, and Jakarta Manpower Polytechnic. On the sidelines of the event, an exhibition of MSME products belonging to Polytechnic alumni was also held, including those from Jakarta, Pekalongan, and Semarang.
In his remarks as well as the keynote speaker, Director of Polines Ir Supriyadi MT explained the strategies that Polytechnic universities must carry out in facing the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 that is currently happening. Indicators of this era, among others, are marked by the use of digital technology (digitalization), process automation, and the use of large amounts of data (big data), interconnection between devices globally (Internet of Things), as well as the use of technology Artificial Intelligence in aspects of life.
Widiyatmoko ST MM as the chairman of the committee said that so far fellow Polytechnic alumni often meet and discuss and produce brilliant ideas, but they are still having trouble realizing the ideas that arise. The alumni of the 1999 Polines Energy Conversion Engineering study program hoped that the portal could become a common forum for synergies between alumni, between alumni and alma mater, as well as between alumni, alma mater and industry. This workshop will be followed up with regular workshops held periodically. From these meetings, it is hoped that the ideas that emerge can be executed in the form of inter-agency collaborations involving Polytechnic alumni.
[irw, man]