In the current era of globalization, all kinds of information are very easy to obtain and in abundance. Through real and virtual media, millions and even billions of text information (written, audio, video) can easily be accessed every day through the media. mainstream as well as social media.
Because there is so much information available, it takes care, precision and accuracy from the public to select and sort out the millions of information that "slivers" in this world. If you choose wrongly or are not careful, the information you choose may turn out to contain information that is incorrect, wrong, or Hoax.
“One way to critically understand a text (written or spoken) is through Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) which was initiated by a number of figures such as Fairclough, Wodak, Van Dijk. Also through the Appraisal System developed by White-Rose. Through this analysis, it can be known what "ideology" is or where the direction of the author or publisher of the text (written and oral) is headed. In the case of writings that contain issues of conflict between two or more interests, it can be seen that the tendency of the author or publisher to take sides can be traced through the components of words, phrases, clauses, and arguments in the text," said the English lecturer at the Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines) , Drs Sugeng Irianto MPd on the doctoral promotion exam of Postgraduate Language Education at the State University of Semarang (Unnes) at the Postgraduate Campus of Unnes Jl Kelud Utara III Friday (31/8). The open examination was also attended by Ir Suppriyadi MT, (Director of Polines), Saniman Widodo SE MM (Deputy Director of General Affairs and Finance) and other invited guests.
With the support of Prof Dr Sukarno MSi (promoter), Dr Djoko Sutopo MSi (co-promoter), and Prof Mursid Saleh MA PhD (promoter member), Sugeng Irianto successfully defended his dissertation entitled “The Adoption of Fairclough and White Rose's Concept of Critical Discourse Analysis. in Appraising Articles on Islamic State of Indonesia in the Jakarta Post Headlines and Editorial”.
The examiner team consisted of Prof. Dr. Fathur Rokhman MHum (Rector of Unnes/Chairman), Prof. Dr. Achmad Slamet MSi (Director of Postgraduate Unnes/Secretary), Prof. Dr. Suwandi MPd (External Examiner), Prof. Dr. Dwi Rukmini MPd (Internal Examiner), Prof. Dr. Januaryus Mujiyanto MHum (Head of Doctoral Program in English Education / examiner). He was declared to have graduated with the title of Very Satisfactory with a GPA of 3.97 and was listed as the 398th doctorate produced by Unnes and the 75th doctoral graduate of the Postgraduate Language Education Doctoral Program at Unnes.
Furthermore, according to Sugeng Irianto, if the community is critical in selecting and sorting information (because they know the elements behind the text) it will bring a positive impact to them. Likewise, teachers or lecturers, especially those who teach advanced writing or reading, can provide study materials carefully. Likewise, students who understand CDA and appraisal will be more careful in receiving and selecting and sorting information for themselves because they know whether the information is true or not and what content is inserted by the publisher through their text/news (text, audio, video, etc.).
The son of Mr. Ashari (retired Head of SDN Panggang 4 Jepara) and Mrs. Ngateni and husband of RAY Sri Utami Pontjowati and father of Kartini Rahayu SS and Slamet Bagaskoro S.Ked is in the process of researching aside from researching about 30 headlines and editorials of the Jakarta English newspaper. The Post also takes support actions. These included observations and interviews at the Jakarta Post office in Jakarta where the text under study was written. He also attended a series of trials at the Semarang District Court in Ungaran against several people who at that time were suspected of being sympathizers or foundation administrators who were suspected of having links with the radical group NII which had been banned in Indonesia. Dr. Sugeng Irianto is also listed as a recipient of a Doctoral Dissertation Grant from the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education and has attended the Sandwich Like Program at Ohio State University (OSU) America several years ago.