The Polines debate team consisting of Shalsabila, Muchamad Azroiy Khasan and Anindya Drysca, managed to enter the top nine in the Central Java English debate competition which was attended by 32 universities. The competition was organized by Kopertis VI with the competition venue at Udinus Semarang on 5 to 7 July 2018. The nine teams are Undip, Unsoed, Unnes, Untidar, Unissula, Unika, Polines, UPS Tegal and UNS.
The debate competition is an activity held annually by Kopertis VI to select the 9 best debate teams to represent Central Java at the 2018 National University Debate Competition (NUDC) in Malang, August 15, 2018.
In addition to their own practice, the debaters also need to practice with the group regularly with a trainer who is a senior debater. They are also sparring partners with debate teams from other universities. Deputy Director for Student Affairs Adhy Purnomo, ST, MT supports and appreciates students' efforts to excel.