Every year Indonesia experiences an increase in the amount of electricity consumption. Often lamps, air conditioners and televisions that have large electrical power consumption are often used excessively. President Director of PT PLN (Persero) Sofyan Basir on Friday, July 21 2017 said that electricity consumption during the first semester of 2017 increased by 2.5 percent. According to him, one of the factors driving the increase in consumption is the increase in the purchase of electric power.
The increase in the use of electrical energy causes operational costs to increase or electricity bills soar as a result of wasting electrical power. This made 3 students from the electrical department of the Semarang State Polytechnic, namely Wimba Zainrona, Waluyo Febrianto, Galuh Wicaksono with the guidance of the lecturer, Mr. Ilham Sayekti STMKom, create an innovation called SISEMOC. (Smart System Electrical Monitoring and Control). That is an application innovation that can monitor electricity consumption and can control electronic equipment that has a large power and is often left behind/forgotten to use such as air conditioning, TV and lights. By using technology Internet users can control electronic equipment while monitoring electricity consumption through an android smartphone directly real time. This application is a technology smart grid as the right choice for people who not only care about safety, comfort but also because of its energy efficiency. Not only that, this application can notify users about electric power and the cost of the electricity bill used. This application is an innovative new breakthrough because in this modern era everything can be accessed via a smartphone. They hope that the technology that has been created can be supported by the government so that this technology can be commercialized so that it can help the community to monitor the use of electrical energy and control home electronic equipment which is often used irregularly so that electricity is wasted and electricity bills increase. They added that this application needs to be implemented so that people are wiser in using electricity and can also reduce the cost of electricity bills, and so that people can support the government in efforts to save electrical energy.