Monev Implementation of Integrity Zone Development

The Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines) held a monitoring and evaluation activity (monev) on the implementation of the Integrity Zone development, Monday, July 2 2018. This activity aims to monitor and evaluate the implementation of the Integrity Zone development at the Polines since it was launched on January 22, 2018.

This was conveyed by Purnomo SH MSi as Secretary of the Integrity Zone Development Working Team which was formed based on the Decree of the Semarang State Polytechnic Director number 0484A/PL4.7.2/SK/2017 concerning the Integrity Zone Development Work Team.

In his presentation, Purnomo conveyed the achievements that have been successfully implemented since the declaration of the Integrity Zone development, as well as the existing obstacles. Not to forget, Purnomo also encouraged the Integrity Zone work team to be more active in realizing the Integrity Zone at Polines.

This monitoring and evaluation is carried out to ensure an effective strategy for achieving the action plan until the end of 2019. The event was continued with team work to resolve existing obstacles. [NJU]

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