Polines Director Inaugurates 6 New Officers

Director of Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines), Ir. Supriyadi, MT inaugurated and took the oath of office for 6 (six) new officials in the Director's Meeting Room, Tembalang Polines campus, Monday (2/4). The inauguration ceremony was attended by members of the academic senate, the leadership of departments, divisions, centers, units and administrators of Dharma Wanita Polines.

The inaugurated officials were Dianita Ratna Kusumastuti, ST, MT (Chairman of the Civil Engineering Department) replacing Supriyo, ST, MT, Dr. Dody Setyadi, SE, MSi (Head of the Department of Business Administration) replaced Drs. Budi Prasetya, MSi, Dr. Ir. Tedjo Mulyono, MT (Head of Center for Research and Community Service) replaces Sidiq Syamsul Hidayat, ST, MT, PhD, Dr. Karnowahadi, SE, MM (Head of Learning Development Center) replaced Drs. Parsumo Rahardjo, M. Kom, Ir. Mochammad Muqorrobin, M.Eng (Head of the Education Quality Assurance Center) replaced Drs. Royswan Isgandhi, M.Pd and Nurul Qurniati, S.Sos (Head of UPT Library) replaced Tatik Sayekti, S.Hum.

"Congratulations to the new officials, hopefully they can carry out their mandate properly and responsibly and provide benefits for Polines and the wider community," said the Director of Polines. As a new official, please be able to adapt to the new task immediately. "The programs from the old officials, please, can be continued," he ordered. To the old officials, the Director expressed his gratitude for his service and dedication during his tenure.

The challenges ahead in the management of higher education are getting tougher. For this reason, he hopes that new officials can continue to innovate in responding to the times in the management of institutions.

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