The Final Round of the 2018 Techcomfest Event is Over

The final round of Techcomfest 2018 was held at the Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines) campus, Tembalang, Sunday (18/3). This event is an annual activity that is routinely held by the Student Activity Unit of the Polytechnic Computer Club (UKM PCC) Semarang State Polytechnic.

The chairman of the Techcomfest 2018 committee, Gayuh Pangestu, who is also a student of the Applied Undergraduate Telecommunication Engineering Program at Polines, explained that Techcomfest is a computer technology competition event for university students and high school/vocational/equivalent students, which aims to make Indonesia's young generation able to compete in the ASEAN Economic Community (MEA). , especially in the field of mastery of Information Technology (IT). MEA itself is designed to realize the 2020 ASEAN Insight. In 2018, Techcomfest took the theme “Build Your Creativity and Upgrade Your Skill".

There are four branches that are contested, namely: Mobile Application, Networking, Programming, as well as Design. Branch competition Mobile Application intended for national level D3/D4/S1 students, while branch competitions Networking, Programming and Design intended for high school / vocational / equivalent students in Central Java and DIY. The competition has been held since registration on October 30, 2017 to January 27, 2018. The results for the preliminary round 1 (online) were announced on February 3, 2018 while the results for the preliminary round for stage 2 (online) were announced on March 3, 2018. The final round was held on March 18, 2018 at the Polines campus, Tembalang.


Techcomfest 2018 technology seminar participants


Prior to the start of the final round of competition, a Technology Seminar was held in the Polines Multipurpose Room (RSG) with the theme "Wake Up Skillsyou with Kotlin as a Programming Language Multiplatform for a more advanced Indonesia”. The seminar presented two speakers, namely Nando Septian H. (IMA Studio) and Dedi Gunawan, ST, MT (CEO ID-Networkers). Nando explained about the Kotlin programming language as a programming language that runs on a Java virtual machine, can be compiled into JavaScript source code, or can also use the LLVM compiler. Kotlin is fully supported by Google as a programming language on the Android operating system.


Presenting souvenirs to the speaker


In the second session, Dedi Gunawan explained that the young generation of Indonesia must master specific IT skills professionally, so that they have clear competency outputs. It is necessary to become a human who 'grows', not a human who 'fails to grow'. “Indonesia's future in the MEA competition is in danger if many Indonesian youth fail to grow. Because that means they only master basic competencies and cannot be productive at a young age,” explained Dedy, who is also an alumni of the Polynes Telecommunication Engineering Study Program. In fact, many other nations, continued Dedi, have been productive since they were young.


Techcomfest 2018 final round competition atmosphere


Branch final mobile application held at RSG Polines followed by 11 teams that passed the preliminary round. Meanwhile, other branches were held at the 3rd floor of the Polynes Applied Masters Building. Branch networking by 10 teams, branches programming followed by 6 teams, and branches design by 10 teams that passed the preliminary round.

Deputy Director for Student Affairs Adhy Purnomo ST MT and PCC UKM coach Wahyu Sulistiyo ST MKom took a photo with the winners


The winners were announced at the closing ceremony on Sunday (18/3) night at the Semarang State Polytechnic Multipurpose Room, namely:

Branch Mobile Application:

Champion number 1: UPN Veteran Jakarta, with team members:
a. Lianda Ramadhana
b. Amalia Nurul Balqis
c. Velia Rahmadi
Runner up: Diponegoro University, with team members:
a. Hafidh Aulia Wirandi
b. Muhammad Afif A.
c. Ranga Satria A.
3rd place: Yogyakarta State University, with team members:
a. Andri Muhyidin
b. Mumtaz Fuadi Ahmad
c. Pearl 


Branch Networking:

Champion number 1: SMK Negeri 7 Semarang, with team members:
a. Leonardus Daniel Krisnayuda Primary
b. Alexander Rio Adi Negoro
Runner up: SMK Negeri 7 Semarang, with team members:
a. Dhevan Muhammad Anthareza
b. Esha Apria Fitria Sajaka
3rd place: SMK Negeri 2 Klaten, with team members:
a. Muhammad Nanda Jabar Rozaq
b. Miftahul Huda


Branch Programming:

Champion number 1: Raden Umar Said Kudus Vocational School, with team members:
a. Anjas Syifatul Anam
b. Nauval Muhammad Faris
Runner up: Loyola College High School, with team members:
a. Benedict Kartika
b. Krishna Kirana Kusjantoro
3rd place: SMK Negeri 7 Semarang, with team members:
a. Ezra Blueardy W.
b. Muhammad Alifian Aqshol


Branch Design:

Champion number 1: SMK Negeri 2 Klaten, with team members:
a. Andrian Firmansyah
Runner up: SMK Tunas Harapan Pati, with team members:
a. Dandi Habib Kuwayyis
3rd place: SMK Negeri 2 Klaten, with team members:
a. Bachtiar Rizky Amirulloh


Congratulations to the winners! The event was officially closed by the Deputy Director for Student Affairs of Polines, Adhy Purnomo, ST MT.


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