SPMB Polines Committee Ready to Hold Written Test for SPA Jalur Path

The written test for the New Student Admissions Selection (SPMB) of the Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines) for the Academic Potential Selection (SPA) is ready to be held. A total of more than 150 rooms have been prepared as test sites for 3,779 applicants for the SPA pathway who have passed the administrative verification by the committee.

This was stated by the Head of Test Implementation Dedi Budi Setiawan ST MT on the sidelines of coordination and technical explanation (coaching) the recent implementation of the SPA pathway test at the Polines Tembalang campus. "We have prepared 315 test supervisors which are divided into two sessions, namely 167 supervisors for the morning session and 148 supervisors for the afternoon session," he explained. To facilitate coordination in the field, the committee also appointed 32 supervisors. One supervisor will coordinate a maximum of 10 supervisors. The committee has also completed the preparation of administrative equipment for the implementation of the test, including albums of test takers, seat labels, minutes of test implementation, and so on.


The committee prints the album of the test takers


In an event coaching The Chairman of the 2018 SPMB Committee, Dadi ST MEng, emphasized that the test supervisor should discipline the supervisory rules that have been outlined by the committee. "This is so that the implementation of the test can run in an orderly and smooth manner, without any disturbing obstacles. The supervisor's discipline in carrying out his duties contributes greatly to the success of this written test, "said Dadi.

SPA test participants Dadi advised that on the day of the test, which is Sunday, March 4 2018, participants can be present at the test location 30 minutes before the test starts. This is intended so that participants are not in a hurry when they go to the test location which causes a decrease in participants' concentration. "For voters in the field of Engineering or Engineering, test participants are scheduled to start entering the test room at 08.00 WIB. As for voters in the field of Commerce, test participants are scheduled to enter the test room at 12.30 WIB," added Dadi reminding him.

Information and a map of the test location are listed on the Test Participant Card which must be printed by the participant according to the schedule, starting from March 2 until the morning before the test on March 4 2018. The test taker card can be printed after the participant has logged into the PMB system. "So that participants do not have difficulty finding their respective test rooms, if needed, participants are welcome to conduct a site survey on the Tembalang Polines campus before the day of the test," Dadi said kindly.

Separately, the Head of Registration, Nugroho Joko Usito, SKom MKom, said that the Exam Answer Sheet (LJU) for SPA written test participants had been rechecked by the committee. "If a printing error is found from the printer that has the potential to interfere with the LJU correction process, the LJU file will be sorted and not used, so that the LJU scanning process runs smoothly," said Joko.

LJU scanning test procedure using machine scanner has also been done. "So that the test takers' answers can be read properly when the LJU is scanned using a machine" scanner, then the participant should blacken the answer on the LJU completely using a 2B pencil. Participants who do not bold their answers on the LJU have the potential for their answers to be unreadable by the scanner," Joko added. (man)

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