Two days before the closing of registration for the SPA pathway, Tuesday (20/2), the New Student Admissions Selection Committee (SPMB) of the Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines) is still conducting the data verification process. This is because the number of online registrants when this news was written has exceeded 3,000 people with more than 2,000 registrants who have completed the finalization process.
"This figure is estimated to continue to grow in the next two days until the closing of registration on February 22, 2018," added Nugroho Joko Usito SKom MKom, Head of the SPMB Registration Division who also accompanied the process of verifying registrant data at the SPMB Polines Secretariat. One of the verification officers met, Mujiyati, said that today she has verified 100 registrant data from around 500 data verified by the committee today. Beyond that, there are still about 1,100 more data to be verified in the coming days.
The Deputy Chairperson of SPMB Triwardaya ST MT explained that to speed up the data verification process before closing, the committee deployed up to 8 verifier officers per day who worked in 2 shifts. "The morning shift is from 9.00 to 12.00 with 4 officers and the afternoon shift is from 13.00 to 16.00 with 4 officers," he explained. If necessary, he added, the number of officers can be increased.
It is expected that before 27 February 2018 all registrant data has been verified so that the committee can announce registrants who do not meet the administrative requirements. As for applicants who meet the requirements, they can proceed to the process of printing the test taker's card. The written (academic) test for the SPA pathway will be held on Sunday, March 4, 2018 at the Polines campus starting at 08.00 WIB. (man)