Polines Wins Second Place in the IX Indonesian Electric Car Competition

Team electric car from Semarang State Polytechnic (Polynes) won the second (two) overall winner in the event Indonesian Electric Car Competition (KMLI) IX which took place at the Bandung State Polytechnic (Polban) campus, Saturday (25/11). The Polines team nicknamed "Green Peanuts" with an electric car "Abimanyu" won 3 titles, namely the 1st place in the Efficiency Test,

2nd place Slalom Test, and 3rd Place Speed Test.

Director of Polines, Ir. Supriyadi, MT, continues to encourage and support students to take part in various competitions and competitions. This is important to improve the ability of creativity & innovation. "Besides these abilities, communication and interacting with the environment is very necessary when entering the world of work," explained Supriyadi. The value of cooperation, caring, work culture and creativity can be obtained when students participate in various competitive activities.

Team Leader Polynes, Dian Prasetyo, a student majoring in mechanical engineering at Polines, expressed his gratitude for the achievements that have been achieved. "This is the fruit of the team's hard work," he said. Without the support and solid teamwork, it is impossible to succeed optimally. Although the preparation time was tight, he was able to go to the competition with results that did not disappoint.

Meanwhile, Isnandar Rochman, as drivers team electric car Polynes claimed to be satisfied with the results achieved. "It paid off," he said proudly. A great responsibility rests on his shoulders. As drivers, he has a role in terms of presenting the best performance electric car team work. All lines, both in the mechanical and electrical fields, synergize to produce the best performance. The records achieved by the Polines team were 1st place in the efficiency test with a power consumption of 76 watt hour, 2nd place in the slalom test with a travel time of 5.11 seconds and passed 4 police cone and third place in the speed test, the distance of 10 km was successfully covered in 13 minutes 2 seconds.

This time the KMLI was attended by 24 teams from 21 universities throughout Indonesia, competing in 6 categories including climbing, acceleration, braking, slalom, speed and efficiency. While the additional categories include the best poster and presentation, the best driver, the best team, the car with the best design and technology and the best construction design. The results of the IX KMLI competition, the 1st General Winner of the Yogyakarta STTNAS, the 2nd General Winner of Polines, and the 3rd General Winner of the Madura State Polytechnic (Poltera).

Margana, ST, M. Eng, as the supervising lecturer hopes that students will continue to work. "Do not be satisfied until here," he said. "Although this year's achievements have increased compared to last year, in the future the competition will certainly be fiercer. This achievement repeats the achievement in the same event 5 (five) years ago. Evaluation and preparation need to start well in advance,” he added. In the future, he hopes, adequate financial support is necessary to prepare more optimal cars and teams. "Because of changes in competition regulations by the competition organizers," he concluded.


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