The Accounting Department of the Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines) in collaboration with the Indonesian Accounting Association (IAI) Central Java Regional Management held a national seminar with the theme "Readiness of Business Actors in implementing SAK EMKM". The activity took place in the Multipurpose Room, Polines, Tembalang Campus, Tuesday (14/11).
Apart from being attended by Polines academics, participants from Udinus, USM, Unikal, Unwahas, STIE AMA Salatiga, IAI members in the Central Java region were also MSME actors.
The event was opened directly by the Head of the Accounting Department of Polines Siti Arbainah, SEMM. In her speech, she said that the purpose behind holding this national seminar was that EKMK/UMKM actors needed to have good financial reports. "The IAI accounting standards board has issued the EMKM accounting standard," he said. SAK EMKM is designed as a simple accounting that EMKM can use, with the purpose of accountability and decision making.
Appearing as the keynote speaker in this national seminar were Drs. Tarmidhi Ahmad, MBA., Ph.D., AK., CA., CPA (Chairman of Central Java IAI). In the first session, 2 speakers were presented. Namely, Dr. Ratna Agriyanto, M.Si, Akt, CA, CPAI (IAI Central Java) delivered material with the title “Socialization and Financial Reporting of EMKM/UMKM according to SAK. While the second speaker is Dra. Litani Satyawati (Head of Semarang City Diskopumkm) with the material "EMKM/UMKM Management Policy in Semarang City. In the second session, there were speakers from Bank Jateng Syariah, MSME Division, as well as business owners, Dhunuk Snack Salatiga.
In this activity, the Polines Accounting Department with the Semarang City MSME Cooperative Service pioneered the exploration of assistance collaboration for the preparation of the Semarang City MSME financial report.