The Semarang State Polytechnic Team (Polines) consisting of Larasita Prameswari (Computerized Accounting Study Program), Islamiati Saputri (Accounting Study Program) and Ridwan Wicaksono AR (Building Construction Study Program) won first place in the National Student Scientific Writing Competition (LKTI) organized by the Association Students of the Department of Development Economics (HMJ EP) Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Sebelas Maret (FEB UNS) Surakarta, Friday (11/10/2017) in the Meeting Room, Building IV FEB UNS.
The activity, which was attended by ten teams from universities throughout Indonesia, was part of the 11th Annual Conference of Economics Forum (Alcofe) activities. The ten teams that entered the final were: Inspigma (UGM), Brawijaya Favorit (UNIBRAW), Avengerlisata (UNNES), Polines Berkarya, (Semarang State Polytechnic-POLINES); The Creator of Civilization (IPB), Baswara Yudha of IAIN Tulungagung (IAIN Tulungagung), Unnes Annisa (UNNES), Lisma Untan, (Tanjungpura University Pontianak), UR Bisa Team (Riau University) and Nusantara (UGM). This year's National Level LKTI activities take the theme of tourism.