Polynes Graduation 1,343 Graduates Period September 2017

 The quality of education at the Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines) is assessed and recognized Very good, both in the institutional context

as well as study programs. This recognition is a form of accountability for the implementation of Polines Higher Education in the community. This can be indicated as follows: (1). The strictness ratio of new student admissions, from year to year is increasing, the 2017/2018 academic year the average strictness ratio is 1:15. (2). In 2016 Semarang State Polytechnic has succeeded in achieving Institutional Accreditation, Rank A, SK BAN PT No. 2987/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/PT/XII/2016, 20 December 2016. (3). Of the 22 study programs, 64% (14 study programs) are accredited B and 36 % (8 study programs) are accredited A. (4). National Higher Education Ranking, in 2017, Polines was ranked as the 3rd best polytechnic in cluster 1 in Indonesia.


This was conveyed by the Director of Polines, Ir. Supriyadi, MT, while giving a speech at the Graduation Ceremony of Applied Bachelor and Diploma Three Polines for the September 2017 Period, at the Convention Hall, Central Java Grand Mosque (MAJT), Saturday (23/9). “You need to realize that today's inauguration of graduation is the beginning of a struggle in the world of work that will soon welcome you. As a human being who already has the provision of learning experience and has competence according to his field, of course, after graduation, you must be confident. Success really depends on your ability to read and take advantage of opportunities to empower yourself,” he explained. The graduation ceremony was attended by university leaders, business partners and other invited guests.


While the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs, Akhmad Jama'ah, ST, M.Eng, in his report said, the number of graduates who graduated was 1 343 people from 8 (eight) Applied Bachelor (S.Tr) study programs and 12 (twelve) Diploma three (D3) study program. The best graduates from the D3 program of applied undergraduate studies are: based on the results of the graduation, with the following names: Nanda Safrila Mentari (Building Maintenance and Repair Engineering (S.Tr) GPA 3.81, Budi Hamdani (Road and Bridge Design (S. Tr) GPA 3.88, Nia Ristiani (D3- Building Construction) GPA 3.58, Kurniadi (D3- Civil Construction) GPA 3.83, Muhammad Choirul Anam (Mechanical Engineering Production and Maintenance-S.Tr) GPA 3.66 , Imam Zaenuri (D3- Mechanical Engineering) GPA 3.72, Ethics Umi Rohmah (D3- Energy Conversion Engineering) GPA 3.58, Mochammad Rizal Wibisono (Telecommunication Engineering (S.Tr) GPA 3.68, Sely Kusuma Anggraeni (D3 - Electrical Engineering) GPA 3.83, Agus Widodo (D3- Electronic Engineering) GPA 3.90, Sofiani Putri (D3- Telecommunication Engineering) GPA 3.67, Listiyaningsih (D3- Informatics Engineering) GPA 3.88, Auliana Azka Rafida (Computerized Accounting-S.Tr) GPA 3.85, Maghfuriyah (Sharia Banking-S.Tr) GPA 3.99, Tyagita Osa Ayuningtyas (Financial Analyst-S.Tr) GPA 3.91, Muhammad Jamalludin (D3-Accounting) i) GPA 3.93, Palupi Diah Rani (D3- Finance and Banking (D3) GPA 3.93, Angraini Puspitasari (International Business Management –S. Tr) GPA 3.86, Firda Amila (D3- Business Administration) GPA 3.83, Amalia Rochmatina (D3- Marketing Management) GPA 3.91.


As a characteristic of education at Polines, disciplined graduates are selected. Meanwhile, the selected disciplined graduates are Amalia Rochmatina (D3-Marketing Management) with data, alpha (0 hours), permission (0 hours) and illness (0 hours).




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