Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines) received guests for a comparative study from 2 State Polytechnics. Namely Department
Bandung State Polytechnic Commercial Administration on July 11, 2017 and the Director, Deputy Director II and the Financial Manager of the Banjarmasin State Polytechnic (Poliban).
Guests from Polban as many as 62 students and 1 assistant lecturer were received directly by the Head of the Polines Business Administration Department, Drs. Budi Prasetya, MSi, accompanied by the leadership of the department at the Polynes Multipurpose Room. A group of Polban has a comparative study on learning and student activities in the business administration department.
Meanwhile, the Poliban group of 17 people was accepted by the Director of Polines, Ir. Supriyadi, MT was accompanied by deputy directors, heads of departments, sections and units of Polines located in the Director's Meeting Room, Polines. Field of comparative study on financial governance.