Ganjar Pranowo Explains How To Counter Radicalism To New Polines

SEMARANG – Ganjar Pranowo was present at the debriefing of new students at the Semarang State Polytechnic. In this activity the Governor of Central Java taught

about religious tolerance to 1,500 new Polines students, Wednesday (30/8/2017).

He motivates the new students in the Semarang State Polytechnic Directorate.

Previously, for three days, the students attended the Basic Discipline Training (LDK) in Rindang, Magelang, Central Java.

The Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, said that students must have an interest in reading to ward off SARA issues.

“So students have to read a lot of newspapers and knowledge books. If students don't like to read, they only read social media that is not necessarily true and then immediately believe it, they will easily be poisoned by SARA issues," said Ganjar.

In addition, students must have vigilance against bad things so as not to become radical students.

“As a student, you will be under a lot of pressures that will damage students' lives. Later they will be disturbed by narcotics, will be disturbed by hate speech which will unwittingly make students radical. Students must be careful to know which one is good and which one is right,” he added.

The Director of the Semarang State Polytechnic, Supriyadi said that all new students were briefed so that their students had good character.

"Debriefing like this and LDK training is very important to shape the character of students who love their homeland and respect inter-religious tolerance," he said.

One new student, Alessandra Fathvirilla from Polines Financial Analyst D4 said that she was happy to directly interact with Ganjar Pranowo.

According to him, Ganjar's arrival gave positive messages to students.

"Wow, I didn't expect to be able to chat directly with Ganjar Pranowo at first I was nervous and scared but I tried to relax. I remember one message that was conveyed by Ganjar Pranowo not to forget the prayers from parents," concluded Alessandra. (*)


Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo while talking with new Polines students at the Semarang State Polytechnic Directorate, Wednesday (30/8/2017).

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