The DIRECTOR is the organ that carries out the function of determining non-academic policies and managing Polines (Permendikbud Number 71 of 2014 concerning the Organization and Work Procedure of the Semarang State Polytechnic).
The DIRECTOR as the managing organ consists of:
- Director and Deputy Director;
- Part;
- Major;
- Center; and
- Technical implementation Unit
director has the task of leading the implementation of education, research, and community service as well as fostering educators, education staff, students, and their relationship with the environment.
In carrying out his duties, the Director carries out the following functions:
- implementation and development of higher education;
- conducting research in the context of developing science and technology;
- implementation of community service;
- implementation of the development of the academic community and its relationship with the environment; and
- implementation of administrative service activities.
The authority of the Director is regulated in Permenristek Dikti Number 45 of 2016 concerning the Polines Statute:
- draw up the statutes and their amendments to be proposed to the Minister;
- prepare and/or modify long-term development plans;
- prepare and/or amend a 5 (five) year strategic plan;
- prepare and/or change the annual work plan and budget (operational plan);
- manage education, research, and community service in accordance with the Polines annual work plan and budget;
- appoint and/or dismiss the Deputy Director and the head of the work unit under the Director based on the provisions of the legislation;
- impose sanctions on the academic community and education staff who violate academic norms, ethics, and/or regulations based on the recommendations of the Senate;
- impose sanctions on lecturers and education staff who violate the provisions of the legislation;
- foster and develop educators and education personnel;
- accept, foster, develop, and dismiss students;
- manage the budget in accordance with the provisions of the legislation;
- implement a reliable information and communication technology-based management information system that supports the management of the three dharmas of higher education, accounting and finance, personnel, student affairs, and alumni;
- compiling and submitting an accountability report for the implementation of the higher education tridharma to the Minister;
- propose the appointment of professors to the Minister;
- fostering and developing relationships with alumni, the Government, local governments, users of the results of higher education tridharma activities, and the community; and
- maintain the security, safety, health, and orderliness of the campus as well as work comfort to ensure the smooth running of the tridharma of higher education.
The Director in carrying out his duties, functions and authorities is assisted by the Deputy Director.
Deputy Director is under and responsible to the Director. The Deputy Director consists of:
- Deputy Director for Academic Affairs; has the task of assisting the Director in leading the implementation of education, research, and community service.
- Deputy Director for General Affairs and Finance; has the task of assisting the Director in leading the implementation of activities in the field of general administration and finance.
- Deputy Director for Student Affairs; has the task of assisting the Director in leading the implementation of activities in the field of student affairs and alumni.
- Deputy Director for Planning and Cooperation; has the task of assisting the Director in leading the implementation of activities in the field of planning and cooperation.
Part is the implementing element of the Polines which provides administrative services to all elements within the Polines. The division is led by a Head who is responsible to the Director and in carrying out daily tasks is coordinated by the Deputy Director in accordance with his/her field of duty.
The section consists of:
- Academic, Student Affairs, Planning and Cooperation Section (BAKPK)
- General and Finance Section (BUK)
Major is an academic implementing element that is under and responsible to the Director, who has the task of carrying out vocational and/or professional education in 1 (one) clump of scientific and technological disciplines. The Department is led by a Head of Department who is assisted by a Department Secretary.
A Department consists of:
a. Head of program;
b. Secretary of the Department;
c. Study program;
d. Laboratory/Workshop/Studio; and
e. Lecturer Functional Position Group.
Departments at the Semarang State Polytechnic:
center is an academic implementing element under the Director who carries out some tasks and functions in the fields of research, community service, quality assurance, and learning development. The Center is led by a Head who is responsible to the Director.
Centers at the Semarang State Polytechnic:
- Center for Research and Community Service (P3M)
- Education Quality Assurance Center (PPMP)
- Learning Development Center (PPP)
Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) is a supporting element for the implementation of the tridharma of higher education in the Polines environment. The UPT is led by a Head and is responsible to the Director.
The UPT in Polines consists of:
- UPT Library
- UPT Language
- UPT Information and Communication Technology
- UPT Maintenance and Repair of Educational Facilities
- Industrial Relations Unit
- International Affairs Unit