Polines Takes Real Steps: Violence Prevention and Handling Task Force Ready for Duty

SEMARANG – Politeknik Negeri Semarang (Polines) officially inaugurated the Task Force for Prevention and Handling of Violence in Higher Education Environments (PPKPT) for the period 2024-2026. The inauguration was led directly by Aris Sunindyo, SE, MM as Deputy Director for Student Affairs and Alumni at the Polines Campus Directorate, Tembalang, Semarang City, Thursday (3/20/2025).

The formation of this Task Force is a strategic step in creating a safe, comfortable, and violence-free campus environment, including sexual violence. In his remarks, the Deputy Director for Student Affairs and Alumni emphasized the importance of the Task Force's role in detecting, preventing, and handling various forms of violence on campus.

"This task force has a big task to oversee the creation of a healthy academic culture, where all academics feel safe and protected from various forms of violence, whether physical, verbal, psychological, or sexual violence," he said.

Dr. Siti Hasanah, S.Ag., M.Ag was officially inaugurated as the Head of the Polines PPKT Task Force, whose members are lecturers, education staff and students. It is hoped that they can be at the forefront in providing education, advocacy, and handling reports of violence that occur on campus.

In addition, Polines is also committed to continuing to socialize and strengthen policies in an effort to create a conducive academic environment. With this Task Force, it is hoped that every case of violence can be handled quickly, transparently, and fairly.

This inauguration is a real step by Polines under the leadership of Dr. Siti Hasanah, S.Ag., M.Ag., in realizing a campus that is friendly, inclusive, and free from all forms of violence, including sexual violence. This is in line with government policy in creating a safe and dignified educational environment. ang

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