Polines and Hotel Candi Indah Sign MoU to Improve Student Competence

SEMARANG – Politeknik Negeri Semarang (Polines) continues to expand cooperation with various industries to improve student competency. This time, Polines signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Hotel Candi Indah in an effort to strengthen the synergy between the world of education and the hotel industry.

The signing of the MoU took place at the Polines Campus Directorate, Tembalang, Semarang City, Wednesday (12/3/2025) attended by the Deputy Director for Cooperation, Public Relations, and Information Systems Dianita Ratna K., ST, MT and Operational Manager of the Candi Indah Convention Hotel Semarang, Sri Muyani. This collaboration includes an internship program to improve students' skills in the hospitality and tourism sector.

In her remarks, Deputy Director for Cooperation, Public Relations, and Information Systems Dianita Ratna K., ST, MT said that this collaboration is a strategic step to provide practical experience for students, in line with Polines' goals, namely between vocational education and the industrial world.

"We hope that through this collaboration, Polines students can gain insight and real work experience that will support their readiness to enter the world of work," he said.

Meanwhile, Operational Manager of Hotel Candi Indah Convention Semarang, Sri Muyani welcomed this partnership and emphasized Hotel Candi Indah's commitment to supporting the development of superior human resources.

"For your information, currently there are 3 students doing internships at the Candi Indah Hotel," he explained.

With this MoU, it is hoped that Polines students will be better prepared to face the challenges of the hospitality industry and have higher competitiveness in the world of work. ang

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