Tangerang – In the international exhibition, Trade Expo Indonesia (TEI) 2024, innovative products of Politeknik Negeri Semarang (Polines) successfully attracted the attention of local and international visitors. Polines displayed two of its products, namely Politrack and Wikrama Kinetics.
Politreck is a manufacturing tool in the form of crawler dumper designed to help the palm oil industry harvest more effectively. Meanwhile, Wikrama Kinetics is an innovative tool for monitoring the movement of stroke patients during physiotherapy.
For information, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) booth at TEI 2024 is projected to be able to open up opportunities for cooperation, both in terms of research and production. The booth consists of 10 vocational college units and one of them is an innovation product from Polines. At this year's TEI, Polines wants to introduce innovations that not only focus on advanced technology, but also have a positive impact on the health and welfare of the community.

Politreck ala Polines is the work of lecturer Denny Surindra
who collaborated with students. Based on his explanation, Politreck is an efficient transportation system for transporting palm oil. Not only that, the thicker material compared to similar products from China ensures that this product has a longer durability.
"This product is very suitable to help the palm oil plantation industry because its transport capacity reaches 300 tons," explained Denny.
Furthermore, Denny also explained that Politreck is able to reduce transportation costs in the long term. According to him, if transportation costs in plantations eat up a lot of expenses in the industry, but if using Politreck, the industry is able to cut transportation costs.
Another product that is no less useful for other industries from Polines is Wikrama Kinetics. Wikrama Kinetics helps patients during physiotherapy. Equipped with sensors and a 30 fps camera, this tool provides an accurate assessment of the patient's strength and coordination, as well as real-time visual feedback to help recovery. With data processing technology and Gait Monitoring System (GMS), this tool guides therapists and patients in improving the quality of rehabilitation therapy.

Farika Tono Putri, as a lecturer in the Applied Study Program of Mechanical Production and Maintenance Engineering, explained that this product provides visual guidance to patients to motivate and track recovery progress.
"Through this product, we can provide patient progress data to help adjust therapy more appropriately," said Farika.
Development and collaboration with industry are also key points in maximizing the Wikrama Kinetics system. Farika said that the production partner for this product is Mandiri Center, Lebak Bulus, Jakarta.
Farika said, "This product has also been used at the Mandiri Center Rehabilitation Clinic since last year." (Zia/Cecep)
Source: vocational.kemdikbud.go.id