SEMARANG – Politeknik Negeri Semarang (Polines) has once again made an achievement through the 53rd Graduation held at the Ballroom, Muladi Dome, Multipurpose Building, Diponegoro University, Tembalang, Semarang City, Saturday (8/31/24). On that occasion, Polines gave awards to graduates who successfully completed their studies with extraordinary achievements. One of the highlights was the announcement of the most disciplined graduate achieved by Kharisma Ayuningtyas from the S.Tr – Managerial Accounting study program who received a Cumulative Achievement Index (IPK) of 3.97 with a perfect record, namely 0 alpha, 0 sick, and 0 permission throughout her study period.
This announcement was delivered by Aris Sunindyo, SE, MM as Deputy Director of Student Affairs and Alumni of Polines, expressing his pride in the graduates who have demonstrated high discipline and dedication.
"This discipline is an important foundation in the world of work and social life, we are very proud and hope this will be a motivation for all Polines students to continue to develop themselves," he said. With this success, Polines continues to strengthen its role as a vocational college that not only focuses on academic achievement, but also the formation of student character who are disciplined and have integrity.
Meanwhile, Director of Polines, Dr. Eni Dwi Wardihani, ST, MT in her speech at the graduation ceremony said that this graduation is not the end of the journey, but the beginning of a new journey. "In front of you lie many opportunities and challenges," she said. Polines, continued Eni, has equipped you with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to face the real world of work and life. In addition, she advised, be a person with integrity, who can make a positive contribution to society, the nation, and the state. With this success, Polines continues to strengthen its role as a vocational college that not only focuses on academic achievement, but also the formation of student character that is disciplined and has integrity.
The list of the best graduates is as follows: Luthfiyah Nurvita S.Tr – Building Maintenance and Repair Engineering (GPA 3.86), Rafi Setioko S.Tr – Road and Bridge Design (GPA 3.84), Desti Ambarwati D3 – Building Construction (GPA 3.77), Ratih Ayu Kusuma D3 – Civil Construction (GPA 3.83), Arif Susanto S.Tr – Mechanical Production and Maintenance Engineering (GPA 3.71), Rida Mustofa S.Tr – Energy Generation Engineering Technology (GPA 3.78), Muhammad Mahendra D3 – Mechanical Engineering (GPA 3.82), Aniq Roihan D3 – Energy Conversion Engineering (GPA 3.70), Idha Rizqi Pratiwi S.Tr – International Business Management (GPA 3.90), Sapna Putri Handayani S.Tr – Applied Business Administration (GPA 3.91), Nadila Gita Putri Utama D3 – Business Administration (GPA 3.96), Febrin Kamalia Salwa D3 – Marketing Management (GPA 3.96), Thomas Tri Wibowo M.Tr – Telecommunication Engineering (GPA 3.81), Tisa Ayu Novianti S.Tr – Telecommunication Engineering (GPA 3.88), Maulana Fiqih Al Fajar S.Tr – Electrical Installation Engineering Technology (GPA 3.77), Choiruzzia Abdilla Audivatsani S.Tr – Computer Engineering Technology (GPA 3.98), Puspita Feby Rizki Nugroho D3 – Electrical Engineering (GPA 3.90), Noviyanto Adi Wibowo D3 – Electronic Engineering (GPA 3.81), Zulfa Sabina Putri Vieko D3 – Telecommunication Engineering (GPA 3.81), Ahmad Irvan Maulana D3 – Informatics Engineering (GPA 3.97), Afri Dyana S.Tr – Computerized Accounting (GPA 3.96), Salsabila Najihatul Ulya S.Tr – Sharia Banking (GPA 3.97), Ayuvie Mahira Jhofa S.Tr – Financial Analyst (GPA 3.95), Kharisma Ayuningtyas S.Tr – Managerial Accounting (GPA 3.97), Arum Winda Sari D3 – Accounting (GPA 3.96), Tiara Dita Pramita D3 – Finance and Banking (GPA 3.86). (ang/jul)