Tourist villages (deswita) with all their natural charm and cultural richness, often offer an ideal environment. Moreover, when the village is considered the center of traditional life, it inevitably becomes a potential arena for business innovation.
In this regard, the Politeknik Negeri Semarang (Polines) Community Service Team (Pengmas Polines) collaborates with the Wonosobo Youth Pioneering Care Development Program (PKKP) to organize business model development and digital marketing for Deswita. Because amidst the roar of digital technology, business development in rural areas cannot be overlooked.
“Training on business models and digital marketing for Deswita is not just about chasing trends, but also about building a solid foundation for long-term growth. "Especially in terms of digital marketing and developing effective business models," said Misbakhul Arrezqi in his statement, Wednesday 31 July 2024.
He further said that the training held at the Tlogo Village Hall, Garung District, Wonosobo Regency on July 23 2024 was important, because it could help participants understand various business models that could be adapted according to the unique characteristics and potential of deswita. Starting from local product development to story-based marketing.
"Apart from that, in the digital era, online (marketing) presence is very important to reach a wider audience. "Therefore, the training includes digital marketing strategies, such as social media, SEO (Search Engine Optimization), and the use of website platforms to expand market reach and increase sales," he explained.
Global Challenges
It was further stated that through this training, local communities in the Village will be empowered to become agents of change in facing global economic challenges. They will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to manage their own business effectively and sustainably.
“The point is that this training is not only about providing insight, but also about encouraging real action. "Because participants will be encouraged to apply the strategies learned in their own businesses, of course with the support of a Community Service Team who are experienced in their fields," he said.
Apart from that, according to Misbakhul Arrezqi, training on business models and digital marketing for women and girls is not only about facing current challenges, but also about laying the foundations for a brighter future. "This is an important step to ensure that local economic potential can be maximized, while maintaining its distinctive cultural and natural heritage," he concluded. (Teak)