SEMARANG – Politeknik Negeri Semarang (Polines) through the Information Technology (ICT) Academic Development Unit (UPA) held journalistic training for Polines website managers by collaborating with resource person Edhie Prayitno Ige as Editor of The activity was attended by Polines web managers and Polines student representatives. The event took place in the UPA Language Classroom, Cooperation Building, Polines Campus, Tembalang, Semarang, Tuesday (25/06/2024).
Helmy, ST, M.Eng as Head of UPA ICT Polines officially opened this event. He said that this training was to improve journalistic writing skills for web policy managers.
"So today I invite not only website managers, but contributors from each study program and students so that in the future all parties involved can write well so that they can attract readers," he said.
Edhie Prayitno Ige in his presentation explained that in making news there is a need for research and gathering information by means of exploration, selection and organization. The exploration in question means that in-depth research can be carried out to find relevant facts, data and insights. Next, selection, namely choosing important and interesting information to write about, then organization, namely arranging the information logically and systematically to make it easier for readers to understand the content of the news.
"My opinion is that in writing we must be honest so that the writing we write has spirit. What this means is that readers can understand and enjoy writing, whether news, novels, short stories, poetry and others," he explained.
He added, there are 4 (four) types of topics that are magnets for readers in Indonesia. This topic conveys things related to sensation, sensuality, drama and mystical.
"When we talk about the field of education, especially Polines, of course we can't discuss mystical, sensational or sensual things that can be filled with drama," he added.
At the end of the training, all participants were asked to work in groups to write journalistic writing and the results of the writing were evaluated directly by the resource person. This activity, which was held over a period of 3 (three) hours, is expected to increase insight and progress in Polines reporting.(ang/jul)