A total of 4 (four) PPPK Polines Signed Work Contracts, This is the Plt's Message. Director Polines

Semarang – A total of 4 (four) Government Employees with Employment Contracts (PPPK) of the Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines) formation in 2023 signed employment contracts with Plt. Director of the Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines) in the Director's Meeting Room, Polines Campus, Tembalang, Semarang, Thursday (13/06/2024).

The PPPK staff consists of 4 educational staff. Namely, with the formation of the positions of First Expert Public Relations Officer, First Expert Human Resources Analyst, First Expert Librarian and Skilled Archivist.

Dr. Karnowahadi, SE, MM as Plt. The Director of Polines hopes that the signing of this work contract can encourage Polines' future progress.

"I also welcome all PPPK, with the fresh air from these new employees, I hope that new innovation and creativity will emerge," he added.

He said that the growth in interest in new student admissions at Polines was increasing. It has been proven that Polines is in the top 5 (five) Vocational PTNs with the most applicants for the UTBK-SNBT route in 2024 as recently released by the SNPMB Committee.

"For 2024, the number of Polines registrants will be 19,103 participants, this of course does not make us satisfied so this must be increased further," he said.

For this reason, he added, Polines has carried out various breakthroughs and strategies to speed up the process of improving performance and human resources.

"For PPPK, please show good performance professionally, apart from that, also work sincerely and be able to collaborate with all employees to build Polines more advanced," he concluded.

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