Politeknik Negeri Semarang Competitive Community Service Team (Polines) successfully carried out Community Service activities at Batik Semarang 16 on Friday Afternoon (10/13/2023) with the theme "Creating Competitive Advantage and Increasing Market Share with Integrated Digital Marketing 2.0 in the Form of Innovation E-Commerce and Adsense Social Media at Semarang Batik Center 16”.
The PKM-Competitive Team is chaired by Bayu Setyo Nugroho S.ST., MM, CPISC (Lecturer in the Department of Business Administration) with members Sugiyanta, SE, M.Pd. , Dra. Sri Marhaeni, MM, Eva Purnamasari SE, MBA., Mellasanti Ayuwardani, SKM, MM, Dr. Dody Setyadi, SE, M.Si and 5 students majoring in business administration across study programs. Carrying out community service since May 2023 with DIPA POLINES Competitive Service funds. This is one form of implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, namely Community Service.
Assistance focuses on innovation and optimization of Digital Marketing in the form of optimization of Social Media (Instagram, WA Business), E-Commerce Shopee, Tokopedia, and Facebook. This is relevant to the Polines Business Administration Student Course where the hope is that students will be able to overcome problems that exist in society or the industrial world. Apart from Digital Marketing, the PKM-Competitive Team provides grant assistance in the form of a studio set, e-commerce Adsense advertising, and a compilation of hundreds of product photos from Batik Semarang 16. This aims to make it easier for Batik Semarang 16 to establish relationships with various customers in various countries. regions in Indonesia through Social Media and E-Commerce, as well as being able to independently have a place to produce product photos for Digital Marketing purposes. With Digital Marketing, Batik Semarang 16 will be able to expand the market reach (Market Share) of Batik Semarang to customers in various regions and increase sales.
The development of Digital Marketing for Batik Semarang 16 was carried out because seeing that many existing batik motifs were not exposed to the wider community, and the sales level was still low after Covid-19, the service team took this up to optimize. As said by Endah Purwanti, S.Pd., M.Pd as the Manager of Batik Semarang 16 in the speech of the community service activity "The tip of a business is sales. If the goods are good but not sold then the goods will be stored in the production place, then by "The digital marketing that is given and taught to us can contribute to increasing sales, and in the future digital marketing can continue to be implemented properly."
Community Service Activities at Batik Semarang 16 have not ended here, the PKM-Competitive Team will provide assistance and evaluation in carrying out digital marketing. This is so that partners get used to digital marketing because this is still new for partners. “Integrated Digital Marketing 2.0 requires time to be optimal, requires assistance, consistency, persistence and seriousness. "We hope that the innovation of integrated digital marketing 2.0 technology can contribute to sales through the application of social media and E-Commerce Batik Semarang 16, which is not only at the national level but also at the international level through several advanced programs," said the head of the competitive community service team, Bayu Setyo. Nugroho.
Source: kompasiana.com