Jakarta, 14 September 2023 – The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) through the Directorate General of Vocational Education continues to encourage state polytechnics in Indonesia to have public service agency (BLU) status. With BLU status, state polytechnics are expected to be able to transform and develop more quickly to improve the quality and quality of their educational services.
The Director General of Vocational Education (Dirjen Diksi), Kiki Yuliati, during the "Casual Talk - Coffee Morning with Media" event in Jakarta, Wednesday (13-09-2023), said that vocational colleges have greater opportunities to develop and succeed when become BLU.
"We are and will continue to encourage polytechnics in Indonesia to switch from work unit status to BLU," said Director General Kiki.
According to Director General Kiki, so far polytechnics have been accustomed to collaborating with strategic partners in their daily lives. Polytechnics are also supported by project/product and ownership-based learning models teaching factory (Tefa) as business units that can be developed as a source of financing as a polytechnic with BLU status.
"There are many opportunities for partnerships with industry established by vocational universities which can be developed towards economic partnerships and this cannot be done while they still have work unit status," added Director General Kiki.
According to Director General Kiki, once they have BLU status, polytechnics will have more freedom in managing their polytechnics, both academic and non-academic. Thus, this will improve the performance of polytechnics which will have a direct impact on students.
Kiki Yuliati added that currently her party is also continuing to make several adjustments regarding the BLU status requirements for polytechnics. One of them is related to the professor/professor quota requirements which are often complained about by polytechnics who want to change their status from work unit to BLU.
"We are currently reviewing the terms and conditions for this professor quota, considering the strength of the organization, their ability to manage their organization, the principles good governanceand so on," said Director General Kiki.
Meanwhile, Secretary of the Directorate General of Vocational Education, Saryadi, said that the number of polytechnics with BLU status has continued to increase significantly since 2021. By the end of 2023, it is hoped that the number of state polytechnics in Indonesia with BLU status will reach 16 polytechnics.
"By the end of 2022, there are 11 state polytechnics that have BLU status, then in 2023 there will be two more polytechnics and now in the queue there are three more polytechnics that will be designated as BLU," said Saryadi.
For information, the number of state polytechnics in Indonesia currently amounts to 44 state polytechnics spread throughout Indonesia. This means that as many as 36 percent of polytechnics in Indonesia have BLU status.
The following is a list of polytechnics with BLU status in Indonesia, namely
1) Malang State Polytechnic (2012),
2) Bandung Manufacturing Polytechnic (2018),
3) Jakarta State Polytechnic (2021),
4) Bali State Polytechnic (2021),
5) Semarang State Polytechnic (2021),
6) Medan State Polytechnic (2022),
7) Ujung Pandang State Polytechnic (2022),
8) Bandung State Polytechnic (2022),
9) Surabaya State Shipping Polytechnic (2022),
10) Jember State Polytechnic (2022),
11) Batam State Polytechnic (2022),
12) Sriwijaya State Polytechnic (2023),
13) Pontianak State Polytechnic (2023),
14) Surabaya State Electronics Polytechnic (awaiting determination),
15) Lampung State Polytechnic (awaiting determination), as well
16) Padang State Polytechnic (awaiting determination).
(Directorate General of Vocational Studies Team, Editor: Denty/Azis)
Source: kemdikbud.go.id