Directorate of Vocational Studies – Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines) students and lecturers have succeeded in developing Sigentong, a digital application to assist information, service and population systems for villagers. The existence of this application can help make it easier for the people of Kaligentong Village, Gladagsari, Boyolali, Central Java to access various information and correspondence services. 

Lecturer and Head of the Polines Telecommunication Engineering Study Program, Ari Sriyanto Nugroho, said that the development of the Sigentong application started with a request from Kaligentong Village residents through the Kaligentong Village Head. Residents of Kaligentong Village need an application that can help make it easier for residents to manage various correspondence. For example, a statement or cover letter for obtaining a business license, making a KTP, and so on. 

"Usually, the residents take care of the various documents manually. They have to go to the RT and then the RW first. With this application, residents are expected to be able to apply directly to the village through this application," said Ari. 

The request from the Head of Kaligentong Village was then followed up by Polines students and lecturers. They then formed a team to develop an application bearing the logo of the two barrels. 

"Students then go down to the village to do research as well as work internships in Kaligentong Village. We divide these students into several teams, there is a team that deals with correspondence, village potential, and others," said Ari. 

The results of the internship activities of the students were then developed into applications. The development of the application is based on research findings related to the needs of the services needed by the people of Kaligentong Village. 

In practice, the application development process is carried out under the direct guidance of the lecturers until it becomes an application. After going through a series of trials involving residents' experiences when using the application, Sigentong residents can finally enjoy Sigentong by first downloading it via Playstore. 

"So, we have captured this request from the villagers into research by involving students as part of internships and final assignments. Then, we apply the results as an application to the village for community service," explained Ari.

In fact, not only Kaligentong Village has asked the Polines to make an application. There are two other villages that want to make a similar application. However, the needs of the intended application vary. 

Ari hopes that the existence of these applications can later be used by villagers to make it easier for them to access services. For the village, the application can also optimize services and cut bureaucratic chains. 

"For us at vocational colleges, the development of this application is also part of project-based learning or project based learning and for students this can be a portfolio for students, “said Ari. (Nan/Cecep)


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