Politeknik Negeri Semarang (Polines) held a ceremony in the context of National Education Day (Hardiknas) 2023, Tuesday (02/05/2023) in the Directorate Building Yard, Polines campus, Tembalang, Semarang.
National Education Day or National Education Day is celebrated every year which coincides with the birthday of the father of Indonesian Education, Ki Hajar Dewantara. The theme for this year's National Education Day is "Moving, Together Enlivening Freedom of Learning".
The Director of Polines read out the message from the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Mendikbudristek) Nadiem Anwar Makarim BA MBA, saying that during the last three years, big changes have taken place around us, everywhere, from the western tip to the eastern tip of Indonesia.
"The 24-episode Merdeka Learning program that has been launched brings us closer to Ki Hadjar Dewantara's lofty ideals, namely education that guides the talents, interests and potential of students so that they are able to achieve the highest possible safety and happiness as a human being and as a member of society. ”, said Prof. Totok Prasetyo when reading the mandate of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology.
He further conveyed, in line with the Merdeka Curriculum which emphasizes in-depth learning to develop character and competence, state university entrance selection is now focused on measuring literacy and reasoning abilities.
"This massive transformation should be celebrated with gratitude and splendor, because everything is the result of our hard work and cooperation. This year's National Education Day is the right time for all of us to reflect on every challenge that has been faced, as well as every inch of the brave step that has been taken. By reflecting on the things we have done over the last three years, we can plan our future direction to ensure the continuity and sustainability of the Merdeka Learning movement," he added.
After the ceremony, it was continued with Halalbihalal activities of the Polines extended family which carried the theme "Knitting Togetherness in the Coolness of Faith to Increase Synergy Between Academics" and was attended by all employees, retirees, former leaders, partners and students of Polines which was held in the Polines Multipurpose Room which began with tausiah by KH Abdurrahim Al Muhsin.
"Let the differences exist, however, they are not an obstacle because we are also born from different families," said the Director of Polines, Prof. Totok Prasetyo.
He continued, rather than focusing on differences, synergy towards success in the future is more important to achieve together. Moreover, the 2023 National Education Day is celebrated after Muslims carry out worship in the month of Ramadan.
He hopes that the fasting month, which has been carried out for a full month, can become material for reflection for all Polines staff in carrying out their daily duties and obligations.
"We must learn from the fasting of caterpillars that were previously considered disgusting or ridiculous creatures, after which they turn into beautiful creatures and bring happiness," he said.
Prof. Totok added that this was related to the status of Polines which had become Public Service Agencies (BLU). That way, all employee obligations must be carried out properly and responsibly. He emphasized that useless mindsets need to be changed.
This was conveyed because the focus of Polines, which is now a BLU, is to improve service, efficiency and productivity.
“Not to mention that Polines is our second home. Indeed, we cannot be rich here, but from Polines we can survive,” he added.
Closing the remarks delivered, Prof. Totok delivered an apology in this Eid al-Fitr atmosphere.
"We, all the management of the Politeknik Negeri Semarang, convey our alimony, apologize physically and mentally," he said.
After the lecture by K.H. Abdurrahim Al Muhsin, continued shaking hands, and closed with a suave.