Management of MKI Central Java-DIY 2022-2026 Appointed

MOU MKI bersama Polines, Undip dan Sekolah Vokasi

The Indonesian Electricity Society (MKI) for the Central Java & Yogyakarta Region held a Group Discussion Forum (FGD) "Increasing the Participation of MKI in Guarding the Transition Towards Net Zero Emissions" together with the inauguration of the MKI Management for the Central Java & DIY Region for the 2022-2026 period, Monday (20/2020) 3/2023).

The FGD event at the Dean Building of the Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University, Semarang was opened by the Head of the ESDM Office for the Central Java Province, with key note speakers from the Chairperson of the DPP MKI Evi Hariyadi with Pessenter Power from the DPP MKI and Prof. Ir Tumiran MEng from UGM.

The FGD was attended by approximately 100 invitees consisting of Heads of Departments I, Higher Education Rectors, Electricity Business Entity Activists, Competency Certification Institutions & Technical Inspection Institutions throughout Central Java & DIY.

On the occasion of the event above, there was also the signing of an MOU/ Cooperation Document between the Chairperson of the Indonesian Electricity Society for Central Java & DIY Region Ir Soewondo Koesoemo with the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Undip Prof Ir M Agung Wibowo MM MSc PhD, Dean of the Undip Vocational School Prof Dr Ir Budiyono MSi and Director Polines Prof. Dr. Totok Prasetyo BEng MT IPU ACPE with the aim of increasing resource development through the Tri Dharma of Higher Education.

The scope of this joint agreement covers the Education Sector (improving the quality of human resources, providing expert staff, seminars, etc.), Research Sector (covering the study of Education science, Educational research, technology and development research), and Community Service Sector (community empowerment, empowerment based on research and application of science and technology) as well as the Regional Potential Development Sector. (Sgi)


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