Polines Business Administration to Host the 2023 Pre International Business Administration Competition Coordination Meeting

Dr. Dody Setyadi SE, Msi., as Head of the Politeknik Negeri Semarang (Polines) Business Administration Department explained, it was an honor for the Polines Business Administration Department to host an international event which was held in Semarang City on March 15 2023 – March 18 2023. The event This was attended by the Kajur Forum from Polytechnics throughout Indonesia. The meeting was opened by the Polines Director Prof. Dr. Totok Prasetyo B. Eng(Hons), MT., IPU., ASEAN Eng., ACPE.

The 2023 Pre International Business Administration Competition Coordination Meeting (IBAC PRA Coordination Meeting 2023) is a meeting held before the competition starts. The purpose of this meeting is to prepare and coordinate everything needed to make the event run smoothly.

At the 2023 Pre-IBAC Coordination Meeting, the coordinators of the participants, the jury and the organizing committee will gather to discuss matters such as rules and procedures for implementation, business simulation techniques and activity agenda during the event. Some of the Typical Polytechnic competition topics that can be discussed at the 2023 IBAC Meeting include:

  1. Typing Speed Competition
  2. Secretarial Competition
  3. Filling Competition
  4. Web Design Competition
  5. Meeting Planning Competition
  6. Master of Ceremony Competition
  7. Business Presentation Competition
  8. Business Data Processing
  9. Business Plan Competition

The International Business Administration Competition (IBAC) 2023 is a competition held for participants to broaden their knowledge in practical skills in the field of International Business Administration which will be held in Batam in 2023. This competition is also an opportunity for participants to build skills such as teamwork, leadership, and communication. In addition, this competition can also be a place to build networks and establish relationships with participants from various Polytechnics throughout Indonesia and also participants from various countries in ASEAN.

With the Pre IBAC 2023 Coordination Meeting, it is hoped that everything related to the event will have been well prepared so that the event can run successfully and smoothly.

Source: kompasiana.com

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