Community service activities are carried out by lecturers at the Politeknik Negeri Semarang (Polines) and students to introduce the capital market.
The introduction of the capital market among the young or millennial generation was carried out in RT 10 RW 4, Sambiroto Village, Tembalang District, Semarang City.
Through this skill, it is hoped that the younger generation will become more familiar with how to conduct stock transactions on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX).
Previously, not much was known about the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) including the Capital Market Gallery in Polines.
In addition, there are still low skills in stock transactions on the IDX and the lack of ability to be able to make decisions to buy or sell shares.
The target of these activities is providing training on understanding the capital market and its instruments as well as providing simulations of playing stocks using Stocklab.
In addition, it also provides simulations using a transaction system and provides training on how to open a savings account so that participants can directly buy and sell shares.
In addition, it also provides simulations using a transaction system and provides training on how to open a savings account so that participants can make direct buying and share transactions.
Participants seemed enthusiastic in participating in the activity, this could be shown when the participants were given material about investment.
Present as presenters were M. Rois, SE, M.Sc. and Phintraco Semarang, represented by Nico Pracahya, S.ST.
Nico is one of the alumni of Polines majoring in Accounting in the Financial Analyst study program. From Phintraco's side, many things were conveyed related to investment material and the role of Phintraco in buying and selling shares on the IDX.
In addition, the Polines student team who are members of the CMC Polines organization also helps to direct the participants when playing simulations with Stocklab media.
Because many participants are playing the card for the first time, so the interest in the simulation is high.
This can be seen when the participants play a simulation where each table consists of 4 or 5 participants and is guided by 1 student, they are engrossed in not moving from their seats.
Even when the service team was about to stop the simulation, the participants still played, so the completion time of the activity was delayed.
When students who are members of CMC Polines give directions on how to open a savings account so that they can trade their own shares directly, they get high enthusiasm.