Digital Marketing Polines Training for UKM Makmur Abadi Tuntang Semarang

UKM Makmur Abadi/ Omah Kopi Tarik, which is located on Jl Pesantren 1 RT 03 RW 02 Gading Tuntang, Salatiga City, Semarang Regency. UKM Makmur Abadi / Omah Kopi Tarik which makes processed coffee grounds and coffee sticks as well as several processed products in the form of various flavored crackers, various vegetable tumpi and processed water hyacinth leaves.

Processed coffee products are marketed at the souvenir shop at Kampung Kopi Banaran in Tuntang District. In its development, these SMEs are still doing marketing online offline so that marketing is still limited to certain areas, therefore media is needed on line which helps in product marketing.

Through the Competitive Community Service (PKMK) program, the service team for the Computer Engineering Technology study program at the Politeknik Negeri Semarang led by Mardiyono, S.Kom, M. Sc. with members of Dr. Ir. Kurnianingsih, ST, MT, Wiktasari, ST, M. Kom., and Nurseno Bayu Aji, S. Kom., as well as 2 Politeknik Negeri Semarang students (Faizu Az-Zahra and Isnaeni Dhiyaa Fathiina) provided solutions to UKM Makmur Abadi/Omah Tuntang Coffee. 

This activity was held on August 17, 2022 to coincide with the 77th anniversary of Indonesia's independence. The solutions provided include (a) Provision of Product Management Applications that can be easily used to introduce products using the Android technology base, (b) Training to operate an application system for promotion, ordering and selling products online. on line so that partner SMEs can manage promotions and online sales/marketing consistently and provide results in the form of increased sales turnover and (c) Provision of stick milling equipment to help the production process become faster and of higher quality.

Service activities begin with the process of Socialization, where the Polines service team socializes to partners about the objectives and scope of activities to be carried out. Furthermore, Production Equipment Supply by providing stick grinding equipment to improve the quality and quantity of coffee stick production.

The next stage is Tool Use Training according to procedure. Digital Marketing Training delivered using a web site that has been provided by the service team. Partners are taught maintenance of web site content as well as promotions, transactions through web sites and social media. The skills gained are in the form of making materials/feeds for promotion, handling transaction processes, and handling customer complaints.

The last stage is Assistance and Maintenance, Mentoring activities are carried out by means of discussions with partners regarding the implementation of the system and the results of digital marketing. If there are still obstacles, they will be resolved together so that the results of the activities can improve the quality/quantity of production and sales turnover. Maintenance of the system is carried out by renting hosting and domains for 1 year so that it can support digital marketing by partners within 1 year.

It is hoped that with this activity, UKM Makmur Abadi/Omah Kopi Tarik can increase sales turnover through e-commerce website media and increase the quality and quantity of coffee-flavored snack snacks and other flavors. 

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